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    專欄 - 向Anne提問


    Anne Fisher 2013年08月13日

    Anne Fisher為《財富》雜志《向Anne提問》的專欄作者,這個職場專欄始于1996年,幫助讀者適應經濟的興衰起落、行業轉換,以及工作中面臨的各種困惑。







    ????Then there's New Jersey. Hoping to do its overstrained state budget a favor, the legislature may soon pass a bill (A3970) that essentially says anyone who is eligible for unemployment benefits is free to take any job, anywhere, anytime, regardless of whether he or she signed a contract saying otherwise.

    ????With non-compete agreements generally on such shaky ground, here's Broutman's advice to you: For right now, go ahead and sign. "The negotiation process doesn't start when you join the company," he says. "It starts when you want to quit." At that point, he advises, "Try to work out a deal. You can very often negotiate a way to do what you want to do without them suing you."

    ????Since courts all over the U.S. have consistently struck down non-competes for being worded too broadly or covering an unreasonably long time period, "suggest that they alter the terms. For example, instead of saying you can't work for any software company, which a judge would almost certainly view as too restrictive, propose narrowing it down to certain competitors, or specific types of work." This would also be the moment to talk about reducing that one-year time frame that's (understandably) making you nervous.

    ????If and when you're ready to change jobs, it would be well worth it to hire a labor lawyer in your state to spot the weaknesses in your non-compete and make your case for you. In Minnesota right now, for instance, there are at least 25 legal reasons why a non-compete may be unenforceable. Such loopholes may abound in your home state too, but without professional help, you aren't likely to know what they are. In the meantime, just try to put this whole thing out of your mind and enjoy your new job.

    Talkback: If you've ever signed a non-compete agreement, how did it affect your subsequent career? Do you think these contracts should be illegal everywhere? Leave a comment below.

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