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    專欄 - 從華爾街到硅谷


    Dan Primack 2012年06月28日

    Dan Primack專注于報道交易和交易撮合者,從美國金融業到風險投資業均有涉及。此前,Dan是湯森路透(Thomson Reuters)的自由編輯,推出了peHUB.com和peHUB Wire郵件服務。作為一名新聞工作者,Dan還曾在美國馬薩諸塞州羅克斯伯里經營一份社區報紙。目前他居住在波士頓附近。
    美國共和黨總統候選人米特?羅姆尼喜歡談論他在貝恩資本做風險投資家時的那段時光,他的獨具慧眼幫助史泰博、The Sports Authority等新興企業成長為今天的大公司。

    ????米特?羅姆尼喜歡談論他在貝恩資本(Bain Capital)做風險投資家時的那段時光,他的獨具慧眼幫助史泰博(Staples)、The Sports Authority等新興企業成長為今天的大公司。批評他的人則盯著他做杠桿收購投資人的那些年月,特別是貝恩資本賺了錢但所投資公司最后破了產的交易。到底是就業創造者,還是企業劫掠者?




    ????比如,1995年,貝恩資本的第四支私募股權基金購入了佛羅里達上市唱片公司Alliance Entertainment的股份。這項投資并不怎么樣。兩年后Alliance提交了破產申請,并指控貝恩進行“短線交易”(short-swing)獲利超過290萬美元——Alliance認為這些收益應該返還公司(法律規定持有10%及以上股份的大股東必須將持股6個月內的股票交易利得返還公司)。雙方最終達成了75萬美元的和解,而貝恩無需承認有錯。



    ????因此,1996年10月,貝恩出資成立了Brookside Capital,在貝恩資本的大框架下作為一家獨立的對沖基金進行經營?;鸬膯淤Y金源于貝恩合伙人的3,000萬美元,1997年開始對外募資。



    ????Mitt Romney likes to talk about his time as a venture capitalist with Bain Capital, helping to launch corporate giants like Staples and The Sports Authority. His critics like to focus on Romney's years as a leveraged buyout investor, highlighting (a handful of) deals in which Bain made money while its portfolio companies went broke. Job creator versus corporate raider.

    ????Both narratives are largely legitimate, since Bain Capital diversified its investment activities during Romney's time at the helm.

    ????But there also is another part of Romney's investment activities that neither his supporters nor his detractors seem to talk about: Mitt Romney, hedge fund manager.

    ????Virtually all of Bain's early investment activities were centered on long-term bets in the private markets, but there were exceptions.

    ????In 1995, for example, the firm used its fourth private equity fund to purchase shares in a listed Florida record label called Alliance Entertainment. It didn't go too well. Not only did Alliance file for bankruptcy two years later, but the company would accuse Bain of executing "short-swing" trades that generated over $2.9 million in profits that Alliance felt should be returned to the company (under rules stating that 10% shareholders must disgorge to the issuer any profits on trades made within a six-month period of one another). The two sides eventually settled for $750,000, without Bain having to admit any liability.

    ????There also was a related class action lawsuit filed against Bain, in which the firm strenuously argued against requiring Romney – who had signed off on the trades – to be deposed.

    ????One year after the Alliance trades, some Bain staffers began talking about wanting to launch their own public equities vehicle, to capitalize on perceived market opportunity (unrelated to Alliance, of course). It was a much different model – both in terms of mission and structure – than Bain had previously employed, but senior management didn't want the staffers to go out of their own.

    ????So Bain sponsored the launch of Brookside Capital in October 1996, to operate as an independent hedge fund underneath the Bain Capital umbrella. It was originally seeded with $30 million in Bain partner capital, and began soliciting outside commitments in 1997.

    ????What was tricky about Brookside, however, was how it fit thematically within Bain. The firm had originally been launched by a group of management consultants who thought they could use their expertise to help young companies grow. They then expanded that model to leveraged buyouts, again believing that their consulting roots could help implement much needed changes at struggling businesses (or make strong businesses even stronger).

    ????In both cases, Bain either would require control or at least a very powerful voice at the table. With Brookside, however, the positions would be relatively small and, in many cases, powerless to effect change.

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