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    Alex Taylor III 2012年01月31日

    ????2008年,米特?羅姆尼在《紐約時報》(New York Times)上發表了一篇名為《讓底特律破產吧》(Let Detroit Go Bankrupt)的專欄文章。他認為,如果無條件給予美國車企緊急救助,就等于讓三巨頭繼續走死路,“那你們就可以徹底和美國汽車業吻別了”。不過近來,這位共和黨大佬開始頗加贊許地把政府強制實施的結構性破產比喻為他在貝恩資本(Bain Capital)的工作。幾天前他在南卡羅萊納州表示:“美國總統在監管通用(GM)和克萊斯勒(Chrysler)上所做的工作與私募股權行業的做法類似。要想拯救一家企業,你必須砍掉旁枝末節,回到有助于企業收益的核心業務上?!?/p>



    ????《華爾街日報》(Wall Street Journal)總編珍妮弗?克拉克的新書《阿涅利家族:菲亞特、克萊斯勒,以及一個王朝的力量》(Mondo Agnelli: Fiat, Chrysler, and the Power of a Dynasty)一書用新的視角審視了馬基奧尼的管理方法。


    ????接下來,馬基奧尼把所有的高管叫到一間屋子里,制定了一個商業計劃。在精簡掉幾個管理層級之后,他開始向各種耗費時間的委員會開刀,然后建立了一個集團執行委員會取而代之,將拖拉機和卡車等單獨的業務部門聚集到一起。其后,他組建了一只24人的團隊來運營菲亞特汽車公司。馬基奧尼的理念是要使公司的各個部門相互充分交流,從而提高菲亞特的反應速度和效率。在過去的體系下,菲亞特的三個品牌——菲亞特、阿爾法羅密歐(Alfa Romeo)和藍旗亞(Lancia)分別隸屬獨立的業務部門,各自負責自己的招聘、采購和生產??死艘昧艘晃还こ處煹脑挘骸八麄兩踔吝B一根螺絲釘也不共享”,仿佛時光壓根兒沒進入20世紀90年代。



    ????In 2008, Mitt Romney wrote a New York Times op-ed titled "Let Detroit Go Bankrupt." He argued then that if the auto companies got a bailout, "you can kiss the American automotive industry goodbye." Lately, however, the Republican frontrunner has begun to favorably compare the government-imposed structured bankruptcies to his work at Bain Capital. "What the president has done overseeing GM and Chrysler has been reminiscent of what people in the private equity industry do," he said a few days ago in South Carolina. "To try and save the business, you have to cut back to a core that matches the revenue of the business."

    ????In fact, the restructured Chrysler is expected to report a net profit for the first time since 2006 when it releases its full-year results on Feb. 1. And it is not unfair to give the lion's share of the credit to one man: Fiat-Chrysler CEO Sergio Marchionne. With his lightning-quick mind, boundless energy, and utter self-confidence, he took over the company, selected a management team, created a product plan, and established a set of performance targets. Chrysler's ability to hit them was a huge surprise to industry watchers who still don't have a clear idea of how he pulled it off.

    ????For insight, they need only look back at Marchionne's turnaround at Fiat, when he made the Italian automaker profitable for the first time six years and extracted $2 billion from a cash-strapped GM (GM, Fortune 500) in the process.

    ????New insight into Marchionne's methods are the core of a new book by the Wall Street Journal's longtime Rome bureau chief Jennifer Clark, Mondo Agnelli: Fiat, Chrysler, and the Power of a Dynasty.

    ????An accountant and lawyer by training and a corporate manager by experience, Marchionne had no auto industry experience when the Agnelli family picked him to save the failing Fiat in 2004. As he would later do at Chrysler, Marchionne took matters into his own hands. He selected his own management team after months of walking around at the company, looking for energetic risk-takers and evaluating them on the spot. After picking his team, he sent 2,000 of his rejects off to early retirement.

    ????Clark relates how Marchionne's next step was to put all of his executives together in one room to come up with a business plan. Having wiped out several layers of management, he now eliminated time-killing committees, replacing them with a Group Executive Council to bring together disparate operations like tractors and trucks. Then he formed a 24-person team to run Fiat Auto. The idea was to make Fiat quicker and more efficient by getting all parts of the company to talk to one another. Under the old system, Fiat's three brands -- Fiat, Alfa Romeo, and Lancia -- were run as separate business units that did their own hiring, purchasing, and engineering. "They didn't even share one screw," Clark quotes one engineer as saying. It was if the 1990s had never happened.

    ????Just as deadly was Fiat's practice of putting car development entirely in the hands of engineers. When the engineers were done, they would throw the car "over the wall" to sales and marketing teams with instructions on how many to sell and at what price, Clark notes. It was a process that was guaranteed to be inefficient and to create disputes between different parts of the company.

    ????The new life under Marchionne wasn't easy. Management committee meetings were often held on weekends, and on-the-spot firings were not unheard of. After one manager patted himself on the back for turning a big loss into a smaller one, Marchionne went after him. "I don't need people in here who are happy to lose money," Clark quotes him as saying. "I want people who culturally are all about making money. You are free to go."

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