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    專欄 - 向Anne提問


    Anne Fisher 2013年08月05日

    Anne Fisher為《財富》雜志《向Anne提問》的專欄作者,這個職場專欄始于1996年,幫助讀者適應經濟的興衰起落、行業轉換,以及工作中面臨的各種困惑。







    ????Millennials as a group tend to be skilled at collaborating, he says, so use that to your advantage: "You don't want to be too collaborative" — it has to be clear that you are The Decider, as George W. Bush famously said — "but taking into account more experienced people's perspective can make you a much better manager." Not incidentally, it may also help mollify your detractors.

    ????Third, Karsh says, even with people you already know (or think you know) well, put some extra effort into relationship-building. "Sit down with each of your direct reports one by one, and talk about their jobs — not the details of specific projects, but how they see their future, what they like and don't like about what they do, and how you could make their work go more smoothly or be more rewarding," Karsh says. "Everyone is motivated by different things, some of which you may never have thought of. You might be surprised by what you hear.

    ????"Whenever possible, talk with people in person, not via text or email. Millennials have been raised with technology, so they tend to rely on it, but face-to-face conversations work much better in your situation," he adds. "It also doesn't hurt to say, 'Hey, let's grab lunch' once in a while. The more you work on creating trust and communication, the more readily your team will accept you as their leader."

    ????It might help to keep reminding yourself that the higher-ups who promoted you evidently believe you can do this job, or they'd have picked someone else. Even so, "don't hesitate to bring up ideas and issues with a mentor, or ask human resources for some formal training," Karsh suggests. Either or both are, he says, "really helpful for turning raw talent into management skills." Good luck.

    Talkback: Are generational differences an issue where you work? If you report to a much younger boss, how's that going? Leave a comment below.

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