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    JP Mangalindan 2011-10-11



    ????When Apple unleashed the iPod a decade ago, many said it wouldn't go anywhere. Fast-forward and the digital music player has become one of the most successful consumer electronics devices in history.

    ????Other technologies haven't been so lucky. Here are eight that were heralded as the next big thing, but sputtered or just went nowhere.


    ????如果一種設備光靠大肆宣傳就能取得成功,那么迪恩?卡門發明的Segway一定能夠占據一席。史蒂夫?喬布斯曾向《時代》雜志(Time)稱,這種兩輪踏板車的重要意義足以與PC機相提并論;風險投資家約翰?杜爾也說,Segway可能將在前所未有的短時間內賺到10億美元;Segway則自稱“將取代汽車,就像汽車取代馬匹和馬車一樣?!辈贿^最后的結果是,“得益于” Segway高達3,000到7,000美元的單價,許多人都對其望而卻步。從2001年到2007年,該公司僅僅售出了3萬臺設備。

    The Segway

    ????If a device could succeed on hype alone, Dean Kamen's Segway would have been a massive blockbuster. Steve Jobs told Time the two-wheeled scooter would be as big as the PC; venture capitalist John Doerr said it might make $1 billion in record time; and Segway itself promised it would "be to the car what the car was to the horse and buggy." Ultimately, thanks to a price range between $3,000 and $7,000, many people steered clear of it. The company only sold 30,000 units between 2001 and 2007.

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