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    JP Mangalindan 2011-08-24



    ????*與此同時,羅伯特?克林吉里在個人博客上發表了一篇文章,稱惠普早在1999年剝離安捷倫科技公司(Agilent Technologies)的時候,他所知道的惠普就已經死了,并細說了個中緣由。( “I, Cringely” 博客)

    ????*Skype正在謀求收購一家從事手機群聊服務的科技初創公司GroupMe,據傳收購價格為8,500萬美元。(科技博客TechCrunch 和科技資訊網站All Things D)


    ????*風投家馬克?安德里森認為,軟件正在接管世界。在他看來,傳統書商鮑德斯(Borders)公司的衰落和網絡書商亞馬遜(Amazon)的成功;以及網飛(Netfix)逼倒影視租賃公司百視達(Blockbuster),都有力地證明了這一趨勢不可避免?!尽度A爾街日報》(Wall Street Journal)】

    ????*社交游戲公司Zynga聘用了電子藝界(Electronic Arts)的副總裁杰夫?卡普,他將擔任這家社交網絡游戲創業公司的首席營銷官和首席營收官。(科技博客TechCrunch)

    ????*科技公司爭相打造“發現引擎”(如Flipboard, Zite和News.me)的原因。為什么說這是一項艱巨的挑戰?【《快速公司》(Fast Company)雜志】


    ????* How HP's (HPQ) $100 TouchPad fire salecould affect the company's reputation and retail partnershipsmoving forward. (ZDNet)

    ????* Meanwhile, Robert X. Cringely on why the HP he knewdied many years ago, starting with the spin-off of Agilent Technologies in 1999. (I, Cringely)

    ????* Skypeis acquiringgroup-messaging startup GroupMe for a reported$85 million. (TechCrunch and All Things D)

    ????* As CNN reported a month ago,Google+ rolled out"verification badges" for profiles of celebs, public figures, or those have been added to a high number of Circles. (CNN viaTechCrunch)

    ????* Marc Andreessen argues that software is (and will) take over the world. As the venture capitalist sees it, Borders' decline and Amazon's (AMZN) success, or Netflix's (NFLX) crushing of Blockbuster, are just a few great examples of this kind of disruption at work. (Wall Street Journal)

    ????* Zynga hired away Electronic Arts VP Jeff Karp,who will serveat the social gaming startup as Chief Marketing and Revenue Officer. (TechCrunch)

    ????* Why companies arerushing tobuild a "discovery engine" (think Flipboard, Zite, or News.me), and why it's proving to be such a challenge. (Fast Company)


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