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    Rachel King 2021-09-03

    對出版行業來說,秋季一直是傳統旺季,并且一般會在假期購物季前夕迎來圖書銷售高峰。據NPD BookScan提供的數據顯示,美國約四分之一的圖書銷售發生在第四季度,2019年11月和12月的圖書銷量接近1.73億冊。



    Goodreads還注意到,本季度出版的許多書籍都融入了歷史背景。斯凱瓦拉評論道:“回顧他人的生活經歷可以讓我們更好地理解自己所處的時代?!崩?,勞倫·格羅夫的《矩陣》(Matrix)一書將故事發生的背景設定為了12世紀的英格蘭;科爾森·懷特海德的《哈林故事》(Harlem Shuffle)將背景設定在了20世紀60年代;安東尼·杜爾的《幻境》(Cloud Cuckoo Land)的故事背景則更為宏大,從1453年到20世紀50年代,直至未來。

    許多出版界的名家大腕都將在本季度帶來自己的作品,其中既有普利策獎(Pulitzer Prize)得主,也有作品曾經被改編為電影劇本的知名作家,還有致力于拯救自然世界的作家。

    斯凱瓦拉稱:“今年秋季出現了一個非常有趣的變化,那就是人們對文學小說重新燃起了興趣。Goodreads會員紛紛將各種書籍加入自己‘想要閱讀’的書架。有些名家的作品已經在Goodreads上引起風潮,包括普利策獎得主路易絲·厄德里奇、理查德·鮑爾斯以及布克獎(Booker Prize)的提名人薩利·魯尼的著作都在其列。今年秋季,諸多文壇巨星將攜重磅作品在市場上掀起一波新的熱潮。如果非要說有什么問題的話,那么現在最大的問題可能就是究竟該從哪一本書開始讀起?!?/p>

    不過斯凱瓦拉又補充說,讀者也總是在尋找新的作者。她說,為朱西亞·金所著的《小地獸》(Beasts of a Little Land)、萬達·M·莫里斯所著的《她所有的小秘密》(All Her Little Secrets)、阿曼達·賈亞蒂薩所著的《我的好姑娘》(My Sweet Girl)、熙然·杰伊·趙所著的《鐵寡婦》(Iron Widow)撰寫的書評和推薦在Goodreads上得到了大量轉發。斯凱瓦拉說:“今年秋天,這些初出茅廬的作家已經開始嶄露頭角?!?/p>

    對于熱愛閱讀的讀者而言,今年秋季值得期待。圖片來源:Courtesy of W.W. Norton & Co.; Harper; Celadon Books; Viking; Scribner Book Co.; Doubleday Books; Riverhead Books; Henry Holt & Co.; Farrar, Straus, and Giroux


    ? 《緩慢燃燒的火焰》(A Slow Fire Burning),作者:寶拉·霍金斯(Paula Hawkins),出版日期:8月31日

    ? 《美好世界,你在哪兒》(Beautiful World, Where Are You),作者:莎莉·魯尼(Sally Rooney),出版日期:9月7日

    ? 《矩陣》(Matrix),作者:勞倫·格羅夫(Lauren Groff),出版日期:9月7日

    ? 《蘋果永不落下》(Apples Never Fall),作者:莉安·莫里亞蒂(Liane Moriarty),出版日期:9月14日

    ? 《哈林故事》(Harlem Shuffle),作者:科爾森·懷特海德(Colson Whitehead), 出版日期:9月14日

    ? 《困惑》(Bewilderment),作者:理查德·鮑爾斯(Richard Powers),出版日期:9月21日

    ? 《幻境》(Cloud Cuckoo Land),作者:安東尼·杜爾(Anthony Doerr),出版日期:9月28日

    ? 《林肯高速》(The Lincoln Highway),作者:埃默·托爾斯(Amor Towles),出版日期:10月5日

    ? 《希望之書:艱難時期的生存指南》(The Book of Hope: A Survival Guide for Trying Times),作者:珍·古道爾、道格拉斯·艾布拉姆斯(Jane Goodall, Douglas Abrams),出版日期:10月19日

    ? 《判決》(The Sentence),作者:路易絲·厄德里奇(Louise Erdrich),出版日期:11月9日(財富中文網)



    對出版行業來說,秋季一直是傳統旺季,并且一般會在假期購物季前夕迎來圖書銷售高峰。據NPD BookScan提供的數據顯示,美國約四分之一的圖書銷售發生在第四季度,2019年11月和12月的圖書銷量接近1.73億冊。



    Goodreads還注意到,本季度出版的許多書籍都融入了歷史背景。斯凱瓦拉評論道:“回顧他人的生活經歷可以讓我們更好地理解自己所處的時代?!崩?,勞倫·格羅夫的《矩陣》(Matrix)一書將故事發生的背景設定為了12世紀的英格蘭;科爾森·懷特海德的《哈林故事》(Harlem Shuffle)將背景設定在了20世紀60年代;安東尼·杜爾的《幻境》(Cloud Cuckoo Land)的故事背景則更為宏大,從1453年到20世紀50年代,直至未來。

    許多出版界的名家大腕都將在本季度帶來自己的作品,其中既有普利策獎(Pulitzer Prize)得主,也有作品曾經被改編為電影劇本的知名作家,還有致力于拯救自然世界的作家。

    斯凱瓦拉稱:“今年秋季出現了一個非常有趣的變化,那就是人們對文學小說重新燃起了興趣。Goodreads會員紛紛將各種書籍加入自己‘想要閱讀’的書架。有些名家的作品已經在Goodreads上引起風潮,包括普利策獎得主路易絲·厄德里奇、理查德·鮑爾斯以及布克獎(Booker Prize)的提名人薩利·魯尼的著作都在其列。今年秋季,諸多文壇巨星將攜重磅作品在市場上掀起一波新的熱潮。如果非要說有什么問題的話,那么現在最大的問題可能就是究竟該從哪一本書開始讀起?!?/p>

    不過斯凱瓦拉又補充說,讀者也總是在尋找新的作者。她說,為朱西亞·金所著的《小地獸》(Beasts of a Little Land)、萬達·M·莫里斯所著的《她所有的小秘密》(All Her Little Secrets)、阿曼達·賈亞蒂薩所著的《我的好姑娘》(My Sweet Girl)、熙然·杰伊·趙所著的《鐵寡婦》(Iron Widow)撰寫的書評和推薦在Goodreads上得到了大量轉發。斯凱瓦拉說:“今年秋天,這些初出茅廬的作家已經開始嶄露頭角?!?/p>


    ? 《緩慢燃燒的火焰》(A Slow Fire Burning),作者:寶拉·霍金斯(Paula Hawkins),出版日期:8月31日

    ? 《美好世界,你在哪兒》(Beautiful World, Where Are You),作者:莎莉·魯尼(Sally Rooney),出版日期:9月7日

    ? 《矩陣》(Matrix),作者:勞倫·格羅夫(Lauren Groff),出版日期:9月7日

    ? 《蘋果永不落下》(Apples Never Fall),作者:莉安·莫里亞蒂(Liane Moriarty),出版日期:9月14日

    ? 《哈林故事》(Harlem Shuffle),作者:科爾森·懷特海德(Colson Whitehead), 出版日期:9月14日

    ? 《困惑》(Bewilderment),作者:理查德·鮑爾斯(Richard Powers),出版日期:9月21日

    ? 《幻境》(Cloud Cuckoo Land),作者:安東尼·杜爾(Anthony Doerr),出版日期:9月28日

    ? 《林肯高速》(The Lincoln Highway),作者:埃默·托爾斯(Amor Towles),出版日期:10月5日

    ? 《希望之書:艱難時期的生存指南》(The Book of Hope: A Survival Guide for Trying Times),作者:珍·古道爾、道格拉斯·艾布拉姆斯(Jane Goodall, Douglas Abrams),出版日期:10月19日

    ? 《判決》(The Sentence),作者:路易絲·厄德里奇(Louise Erdrich),出版日期:11月9日(財富中文網)



    Fall is traditionally a very busy time for publishing—especially in the lead-up to the holiday shopping season, when book buying is at its peak. Approximately a quarter of all book sales in the U.S. take place during the fourth quarter; nearly 173 million books were sold in November and December 2019, according to NPD BookScan.

    “Publishers are eager to position their books as ideal gifts, so often save their biggest authors for this season,” Suzanne Skyvara, vice president of marketing and editorial at Goodreads, tells Fortune. “There’s also the impact of people coming back after summer and turning to more serious or deeper reading; I guess the feeling of ‘back to school’ continues into adulthood. As the weather starts to cool down, people start to spend more time indoors, and what’s the best way to relax at home? Curled up with a great book, of course. Publishing is more than ready for you this fall.”

    Mysteries and thrillers are typically the most popular genres in publishing, and Skyvara says Goodreads expects to see that strong interest again this fall. “For readers in general, there’s also the appeal of opening up a book by an author you already know and love; there’s the comforting sense that this will be a story guaranteed to deliver. Those readers have plenty to choose from with new books from a wide range of beloved authors coming out, including Diana Gabaldon, Louise Erdrich, Liane Moriarty, Amor Towles, David Sedaris, and Neal Stephenson.”

    One trend Goodreads has noted some of this season’s books share is a historical setting. “Looking back to experience how others have lived helps us make sense of our own times,“ Skyvara observes, noting Lauren Groff’s Matrix, set in 12th-century England; Colson Whitehead’s Harlem Shuffle in the 1960s; and Anthony Doerr’s Cloud Cuckoo Land, which ranges from 1453 to the 1950s to the future, as examples.

    This season will see new releases from some of the biggest names in the book world: Pulitzer Prize winners, authors who have seen their work adapted for the silver screen, as well as writers working to save the natural world.

    “The most interesting shift this fall is the renewed interest in literary fiction, with Goodreads members eagerly adding titles to their ‘Want to Read’ shelves,” Skyvara says. “Several big names trending on Goodreads already include books by Pulitzer Prize winners Louise Erdrich and Richard Powers, as well as Booker Prize [nominee] Sally Rooney. This fall offers an amazing array of really strong books by literary stars. If anything, the hardest part will be choosing what to read first.”

    But Skyvara adds that readers are always looking for new authors, too. On Goodreads, she says, many have been sharing rave reviews and recommendations for Beasts of a Little Land by Juhea Kim, All Her Little Secrets by Wanda M. Morris, My Sweet Girl by Amanda Jayatissa, and Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao. “These debut authors are all really starting to break out this fall,” she notes.

    Below is a list of the most anticipated books of fall as determined by how many times a book was added to Goodreads members’ “Want to Read” shelves, in order of publication date.

    ? A Slow Fire Burning by Paula Hawkins (Publication date: Aug. 31)

    ? Beautiful World, Where Are You by Sally Rooney (Sept. 7)

    ? Matrix by Lauren Groff (Sept. 7)

    ? Apples Never Fall by Liane Moriarty (Sept. 14)

    ? Harlem Shuffle by Colson Whitehead (Sept. 14)

    ? Bewilderment by Richard Powers (Sept. 21)

    ? Cloud Cuckoo Land by Anthony Doerr (Sept. 28)

    ? The Lincoln Highway by Amor Towles (Oct. 5)

    ? The Book of Hope: A Survival Guide for Trying Times by Jane Goodall and Douglas Abrams (Oct. 19)

    ? The Sentence by Louise Erdrich (Nov. 9)

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