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    Kali Hays



    圖片來源:SUZANNE CORDEIRO/AFP via Getty Images

    埃隆·馬斯克(Elon Musk)打算將X的總部遷往得克薩斯州。





    雖然X還沒有在得克薩斯州設立總部,但馬斯克的大多數其他公司都在得克薩斯州設立了總部或近年來在那里進行了擴張,其中包括SpaceX和Starlink、The Boring Co.和特斯拉。第二位知情人士說,許多員工預計,如果他們被要求搬遷,將被安置在其中一家公司的現有辦公場所。


    8月底,X內部開始傳出可能搬遷的指令,與此同時,在管理層沉默數周之后,員工們終于知道了舊金山總部正式關閉的確切時間。雖然在紐約工作的首席執行官琳達·亞卡里諾(Linda Yaccarino)早些時候發出的電子郵件沒有提及馬斯克7月份在X上發布的X總部將“遷往奧斯汀”的消息,但一些員工后來被告知,X的新辦公室將設在得克薩斯州的巴斯特羅普。巴斯特羅普距奧斯汀約一小時車程,是Starlink和The Boring Company的總部所在地,也是SpaceX的大型設施所在地。特斯拉的超級工廠也在附近,據說馬斯克還計劃在巴斯特羅普縣建造一個完整的城鎮。馬斯克在奧斯汀地區也有一處房產。(財富中文網)


    埃隆·馬斯克(Elon Musk)打算將X的總部遷往得克薩斯州。





    雖然X還沒有在得克薩斯州設立總部,但馬斯克的大多數其他公司都在得克薩斯州設立了總部或近年來在那里進行了擴張,其中包括SpaceX和Starlink、The Boring Co.和特斯拉。第二位知情人士說,許多員工預計,如果他們被要求搬遷,將被安置在其中一家公司的現有辦公場所。


    8月底,X內部開始傳出可能搬遷的指令,與此同時,在管理層沉默數周之后,員工們終于知道了舊金山總部正式關閉的確切時間。雖然在紐約工作的首席執行官琳達·亞卡里諾(Linda Yaccarino)早些時候發出的電子郵件沒有提及馬斯克7月份在X上發布的X總部將“遷往奧斯汀”的消息,但一些員工后來被告知,X的新辦公室將設在得克薩斯州的巴斯特羅普。巴斯特羅普距奧斯汀約一小時車程,是Starlink和The Boring Company的總部所在地,也是SpaceX的大型設施所在地。特斯拉的超級工廠也在附近,據說馬斯克還計劃在巴斯特羅普縣建造一個完整的城鎮。馬斯克在奧斯汀地區也有一處房產。(財富中文網)


    Elon Musk intends to move the headquarters of X to Texas and some employees now expect they will have to follow if they wish to keep their jobs.

    The majority of X’s staff has for years been based in San Francisco, where the company formerly known as Twitter maintained its global headquarters. With this month’s impending closure of that office, employees are being dispersed to two other Bay Area locations — a smaller office in San Jose and a shared space in Palo Alto that houses X.ai, Musk’s AI startup. Both offices are an hour or more by car from San Francisco. Some employees are being allowed to work from home despite Musk’s personal opposition to the practice, according to a person familiar with the changes.

    But a much bigger move may ultimately be in the cards for some San Francisco employees. Certain technical teams overseen by Musk are starting to hear murmurs of plans to relocate employees to Texas, another person familiar with the company told Fortune.

    There has been no formal announcement or company-wide communication about a required move to the Lone Star state, but some X staffers have been told to expect such an order and that those selected for Texas duty will be required to pack their bags and saddle up — without financial assistance from the company, the person noted. It’s unclear how many employees may be told to relocate, and how many would agree to do so if the company moves forward with any such plan. A spokesman for X declined to comment on the record.

    After he acquired Twitter in 2022, Musk told employees he did not intend to move the company’s HQ to Texas. But in July the mercurial billionaire tweeted that X would move its headquarters to Austin, citing California legislation banning public schools from notifying parents about student changes to their gender identity.

    While the X HQ in Texas does not exist yet, most of Musk’s other companies are based or have expanded there in recent years, including SpaceX and Starlink, The Boring Co. and Tesla. Many employees expect they will be put into an existing office space of one of those companies if they are required to move, the second person said.

    X employees are not unfamiliar with dramatic changes to their working conditions. In the early days of Musk’s Twitter takeover, the multi-billionaire required everyone at the company to sign up for an “extremely hardcore” work life or else be deemed to have resigned. Hundreds of Twitter employees declined, losing their jobs, and Musk went on to lay off thousands more. X currently employs somewhere around 500 engineers or less, one of the people told Fortune.

    Word of a possible relocation order began to spread within X at the end of August, around the same time employees finally learned when exactly the San Francisco headquarters would officially close after weeks of silence from management. Although an earlier email from CEO Linda Yaccarino, who is based in New York, made no mention of Musk’s July tweet that X HQ would “move to Austin,” some employees have since been told a new X office will be located in Bastrop, Texas. Located about an hour outside of Austin, Bastrop is where Starlink and The Boring Company are now based, as well as large facilities for SpaceX. The Tesla Gigafactory is nearby, as well, and Musk is reportedly planning to build an entire town in Bastrop County. Musk also maintains a home in the Austin area.



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