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    美國商品期貨交易委員會(Commodity Futures Trading Commission)對幣安提起了一項新的民事訴訟,指控這家加密貨幣巨頭犯有一系列罪名,包括未能注冊其衍生產品,未能有效阻止或限制位于美國的客戶訪問其平臺。這項訴訟還涉及該公司高管涉嫌犯罪活動的具體細節,美國商品期貨交易委員會指控這些高管知情并參與了犯罪交易。

    “在公司內部,幣安高管、員工和代理人承認,幣安平臺為潛在的非法活動提供了便利?!?美國商品期貨交易委員會在起訴書中寫道,并提到了前首席合規官塞繆爾·林(Samuel Lim)和另一名同事在2019年2月進行的對話(關于與激進的恐怖組織哈馬斯[Hamas]進行交易)。據稱,林告訴這名同事,恐怖分子通常會以“小額資金”形式進行交易,因為“大額資金會構成洗錢”。這位同事回應說:“600美元都買不到一把AK47自動步槍?!?/p>











    對幣安的打擊是在加密交易所FTX去年倒閉后進行的。FTX的首席執行官薩姆·班克曼-弗里德(Sam Bankman-Fried)此后面臨多項刑事指控,正在等待審判。美國證券交易委員會主席加里·根斯勒(Gary Gensler)在過去幾個月對加密貨幣行業采取了更強硬的態度。去年12月,他將加密貨幣公司與賭場相提并論,并表示加密貨幣公司需要“遵守我們經過時間考驗的法律”。


    起訴書還指控幣安故意混淆其結構,稱該公司依賴于“公司實體的迷宮”,這些實體被用來 “模糊幣安平臺的所有權、控制權和所在地”。根據起訴書,幣安的產品包括網站和移動應用程序,其中一些是獨立運營的。根據起訴書,幣安非常有效地隱藏了其運營結構和公司所在地,“它甚至迷惑了自己的首席戰略官”,去年他誤稱幣安是一家“加拿大”公司,后來被發言人更正。趙長鵬一直堅稱,作為一家去中心化的公司,幣安沒有總部。(財富中文網)


    美國商品期貨交易委員會(Commodity Futures Trading Commission)對幣安提起了一項新的民事訴訟,指控這家加密貨幣巨頭犯有一系列罪名,包括未能注冊其衍生產品,未能有效阻止或限制位于美國的客戶訪問其平臺。這項訴訟還涉及該公司高管涉嫌犯罪活動的具體細節,美國商品期貨交易委員會指控這些高管知情并參與了犯罪交易。

    “在公司內部,幣安高管、員工和代理人承認,幣安平臺為潛在的非法活動提供了便利?!?美國商品期貨交易委員會在起訴書中寫道,并提到了前首席合規官塞繆爾·林(Samuel Lim)和另一名同事在2019年2月進行的對話(關于與激進的恐怖組織哈馬斯[Hamas]進行交易)。據稱,林告訴這名同事,恐怖分子通常會以“小額資金”形式進行交易,因為“大額資金會構成洗錢”。這位同事回應說:“600美元都買不到一把AK47自動步槍?!?/p>











    對幣安的打擊是在加密交易所FTX去年倒閉后進行的。FTX的首席執行官薩姆·班克曼-弗里德(Sam Bankman-Fried)此后面臨多項刑事指控,正在等待審判。美國證券交易委員會主席加里·根斯勒(Gary Gensler)在過去幾個月對加密貨幣行業采取了更強硬的態度。去年12月,他將加密貨幣公司與賭場相提并論,并表示加密貨幣公司需要“遵守我們經過時間考驗的法律”。


    起訴書還指控幣安故意混淆其結構,稱該公司依賴于“公司實體的迷宮”,這些實體被用來 “模糊幣安平臺的所有權、控制權和所在地”。根據起訴書,幣安的產品包括網站和移動應用程序,其中一些是獨立運營的。根據起訴書,幣安非常有效地隱藏了其運營結構和公司所在地,“它甚至迷惑了自己的首席戰略官”,去年他誤稱幣安是一家“加拿大”公司,后來被發言人更正。趙長鵬一直堅稱,作為一家去中心化的公司,幣安沒有總部。(財富中文網)


    A new civil suit against Binance filed by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission accuses the crypto giant of a slew of counts, including failing to register its derivative products and failing to fence off its services from U.S. customers. But it’s also filled with specific details about alleged criminal activity from the top officers of the company, who the CFTC accuses of knowing about and engaging in criminal transactions.

    “Internally, Binance officers, employees, and agents have acknowledged that the Binance platform has facilitated potentially illegal activities,” the CFTC’s complaint reads, citing the example of a conversation between former Chief Compliance Officer Samuel Lim and another colleague in February 2019 about a transaction with Hamas, a militant group. Lim reportedly told the colleague that terrorists typically send “small sums,” because “large sums constitute money laundering.” The colleague responded, “can barely buy an AK47 with 600 bucks.”

    Lim also acknowledged in February 2020 that some of Binance’s customers, including those from Russia, were involved in illegal activities, according to the complaint. Lim wrote in a chat message about those trades: “Like come on. They are here for crime.” Money Laundering Reporting Officer at Binance responded at the time, “we see the bad, but we close 2 eyes.”

    In another instance, a Binance employee allegedly asked Lim and another colleague in July 2020 to remove a customer who was sourcing over $5 million from “questionable services” believed to be illegal, according to the complaint. Lim wrote in response to the employee:

    “Can let him know to be careful with his flow of funds, especially from darknet

    like hydra

    He can come back with a new account

    But this current one has to go, it’s tainted”

    A Binance spokesperson told Fortune that the complaint came as a surprise to the company.

    “The complaint filed by the CFTC is unexpected and disappointing as we have been working collaboratively with the CFTC for more than two years. Nevertheless, we intend to continue to collaborate with regulators in the US and around the world,” Binance’s spokesperson said.

    “We have made significant investments over the past two years to ensure we do not have US users active on our platform. During that period, we went from approximately 100 people in our compliance team to around 750 core and supporting compliance personnel today, including almost 80 personnel with prior law enforcement or regulatory agency experience and approximately 260 personnel with professional certificates in compliance,” the spokesperson said.

    Aside from the latest CFTC lawsuit, Binance has been under investigation by the Department of Justice since 2018 for allegedly flouting U.S. compliance laws, anti-money laundering rules, and sanctions. The crypto exchange may be preparing to pay settlement penalties worth more than $1 billion, the Wall Street Journal reported last month.

    The crackdown on Binance comes after the spectacular collapse of crypto exchange FTX, which folded last year. The CEO of that exchange, Sam Bankman-Fried, has since been charged with several?criminal counts and is awaiting trial in the U.S. SEC Chair Gary Gensler taken a tougher posture against the crypto industry over the past few months. In December of last year he compared crypto companies with?casinos and said they needed to “come into compliance with our time-tested laws.”

    Aside from details of chats between top Binance officers, the CFTC’s complaint largely focuses on its alleged failure to communicate details of its work in the U.S., and going against compliance rules, alleging that for the first two years of operations, the company “did not take any steps to limit or restrict the ability of U.S. customers to trade on the platform.” Even after Binance updated its terms of use limiting availability in the U.S. in 2019, customers could use loopholes including virtual private networks (VPNs) to access the sites, according to the suit. It further alleges that CEO Changpeng Zhao and Lim were both fully aware of the existence of these loopholes, and that in 2020, a year after Binance had updated its terms of use, nearly 18% of its customer base was still located in the U.S., citing revenue reports.

    The complaint also alleges Binance knowingly obfuscated its structure, saying the company relies on a “maze of corporate entities” that is deliberately designed to “obscure the ownership, control, and location of the Binance platform.” Binance’s offerings include websites and mobile apps, some of which are independently operated according to the complaint. The lawsuit alleges that Binance has become so efficient at hiding its operational structure and the location of its companies, “it has even confused its own Chief Strategy Officer,” who mistakenly called Binance a “Canadian” company last year before being corrected by a spokesperson. Zhao has long insisted that, as a decentralized company, Binance has no headquarters.



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