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    由于從小就在“無銀行賬戶”的環境中長大,托雷斯認為,加密貨幣可以幫助提振像布朗克斯這樣的低收入社區。圖片來源:PHOTOGRAPH BY NOAH WILLMAN FOR FORTUNE

    去年12月初,美國眾議員里奇?托雷斯(Ritchie Torres)站在他布朗克斯轄區辦公室刻有國會徽章的講臺前,昂首挺胸地看著當地新聞媒體的攝像頭。

    加密貨幣交易所FTX與其少年得志的創始人、華盛頓紅人山姆?班克曼-弗里德(Sam Bankman-Fried),在數周前崩塌了。雖然托雷斯與班克曼-弗里德的直接業務并不沾邊,但也沒能擺脫干系。自2021年1月宣誓就任紐約州第15國會選區民主黨議員以來,托雷斯一直與對加密貨幣感興趣的兩黨政客走的很近。托雷斯代表的是最窮的國會選區之一,他認為加密貨幣有望幫助低收入人群創造財富,并打破不公平的金融權力格局。








    他的很多共和黨同事將加密貨幣看作傳統金融系統的自由主義慰藉,稱贊了加密貨幣在隱私、自治權和撤銷管制方面的潛力。其中一些共和黨,例如懷俄明州參議員辛西婭?盧米斯(Cynthia Lummis),建議將比特幣納入401K組合。托雷斯則采取了更慎重的立場,他表示,政府的職責應該是創建一個讓私營行業可以發展壯大、投資者能夠感到安全的監管環境。托雷斯并沒有推薦美國證券交易委員會最近采取的“法規強制實施”模式,而是提出了類似于紐約州金融服務局(New York’s Department of Financial Services)的模式。在這種模式下,加密貨幣公司需通過嚴格的流程獲得牌照,并遵守合規、記錄保存和資產托管保護要求。




    在布朗克斯新聞發布會一周后的眾議院金融服務委員會聽證會上,托雷斯展現了其耐心的真誠。班克曼-弗里德亦打算出席聽證會,不過他在前一天晚上被巴哈馬當局逮捕,因此這些政客只能無奈地接受由約翰·雷三世(John Ray III, FTX新任首席執行官)來出席聽證會。約翰是企業救援專家,其任務就是監管FTX的破產。每一位國會議員有五分鐘的時間來詢問約翰,很多議員將其當作是出風頭的機會。一位來自密蘇里的議員則自言自語、長篇大論地講述了為什么加密貨幣應被重新命名為“奇怪的面團貨幣”。





    托雷斯由賺著最低薪資的單親母親在東布朗克斯的一個公租房項目中撫養長大,有兩個兄妹。該項目與一片222英畝(約90公頃)的空地隔街相望,這塊空地后來成為了特朗普高爾夫球場。托雷斯就讀的雷曼高中(Lehman High School)是該市最大的公立學校之一,他在高中時就參與了模擬法庭。他必須在形成上訴式的論據之后再提交給法官,通常是對其反對的立場進行潤飾;托雷斯稱,這是他一生中唯一最具塑造力的知識體驗。

    托雷斯就讀紐約大學(New York University)時,因患上了嚴重的抑郁癥于大二退學。由于在高中時參加過當地政客的紐約市議會競選活動,他在這位政客的辦公室干起了兼職工作,最終成為了一名正式員工,負責住房事務。托雷斯決定在2013年競選議會開放席位。25歲的他通過了競爭激烈的初選,并在大選中獲得了91.4%的投票,成為了當時最年輕的現任議會議員。

    如今擔任自由職業者聯盟(Freelancers Union)執行總監的拉斐爾?埃斯皮納爾(Rafael Espinal)在那一年與托雷斯一道入選城市議會,當時他29歲。埃斯皮納爾回憶說,他們在任期初期一同在布魯克林布什維克的一家披薩餐廳吃早午餐。在那里,托雷斯爐火純青的口才令他贊嘆不已。他不久便明顯意識到,托雷斯真正在意的是工作,而不是社交生活:當埃斯皮納爾建議點兩杯含羞草雞尾酒時,托雷斯壓根都沒聽說過這種酒。


    不久后,這兩位決策者圍繞多項改革性事務開展了合作,包括成功推動了無現金業務禁令,為此,托雷斯列舉了處于劣勢地位的有色人種貧窮社區。托雷斯曾擔任議會公租房委員會主席,而且這兩位還是2016年支持伯尼?桑德斯(Bernie Sanders)競選總統的少數議會議員。

    然而,托雷斯對政策問題經常會存在不同看法,往往帶有左傾思想,他認為美國民主黨社會主義人士的理念并不總是反映其選民的想法。他經常將其轄區稱之為“紐約市的圣經帶”,在社會事務方面大概率比AOC(美國批評白人特權的網紅議員亞歷山德里婭·奧卡西奧-科爾特斯[Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez]——譯者注)這群人更加保守,而這對于托雷斯這樣公開身份的同性戀人士來說是一個持續的競選障礙。在上任之后,托雷斯采取了他所稱的“務實進步”立場。在2017年的一個重要關頭,托雷斯就一項警察改革法案達成了幕后交易,同意放寬有關“警察在逗留期間何時必須亮明身份”的法規,此舉被很多曾幾何時的同盟視為背叛行為,但托雷斯辯稱此乃折中之舉。

    此事一出,托雷斯在那些通常會支持金融包容性的盟友中聲名鵲起。據紐約勞工聯盟Strong Economy for All執行理事邁克爾·金克(Michael Kink)描述,托雷斯“更像是一位傳統的政客,而不是那些左翼煽動者”。該事件還在2020年民主黨初選過程中幫助激勵了多位比他更左的挑戰者,不過,托雷斯依然輕松勝出。


    當托雷斯被派往難以應付的眾議院金融服務委員會時,加密貨幣牛市則在加足馬力向前沖,而此時,加密貨幣高管開始加大其在華盛頓宣傳和獻金力度。2021年12月,該委員會舉行了有關加密貨幣的首個聽證會,邀請了包括班克曼-弗里德和Circle首席執行官杰里米?阿萊爾(Jeremy Allaire)。托雷斯當時還是個新人,并開始惡補相關知識,而且盡可能地多讀自己能夠找到的文章,甚至觀看蓋瑞·詹斯勒(Gary Gensler)教授的麻省理工大學區塊鏈課程錄像。蓋瑞如今擔任美國證券交易委員會主席,而且被廣泛認為是加密貨幣的宿敵。

    托雷斯表示,來自民主黨的他有著全新的認識,他認為區塊鏈技術可以幫助解決那些對有色人種低收入群體造成不成比例影響的問題,例如他所在的轄區。托雷斯開始與行業領袖會面,包括風投公司Andreessen Horowitz影響力合伙人克里斯?迪克森(Chris Dixon),后者是比特幣的早期倡導者。托雷斯將迪克森稱為加密貨幣領域令人醍醐灌頂的“哲學家和實干家”。迪克森拒絕接受采訪,但在一封郵件聲明中表揚了托雷斯,并將其稱之為“務實的決策者,而且托雷斯知道實現Web3的潛力需要明晰的監管指引?!?/p>

    迪克森和Andreessen Horowitz是“去中心化互聯網”的支持者,這種互聯網使用區塊鏈技術來分散所有事物的所有權,從藝術到游戲再到無線網絡等技術基礎設施。這一方式遭到了人們的抨擊,有批評家指出,大型風投公司在此類項目中的大量權益只會讓其越來越“去中心化”。然而,托雷斯看到了Web3愿景的潛力。他說,企業中間人從他們身上收取的費用少了,“這意味著工人和創造者可以更多地保留其收入?!?/p>


    蒙特菲奧里醫療中心(Montefiore Medical Center)外科技師胡里奧?巴里奧斯(Julio Barrios)與安德魯?理查茲(Andrew Richards)稱,他們在其更加富有、大部分為白人的同事開展蘋果(Apple)、亞馬遜(Amazon)等傳統股票投資時便開始了加密貨幣投資。這兩位表示,在加密貨幣牛市期間,這些同事開始找他們取經。巴里奧斯笑著說:“我竟然在給上過哈佛大學的醫生提供建議?!?/p>

    巴里奧斯和理查茲創建了社區團體Bronx Crypto,來教授加密貨幣投資的基本理念,每個月25美元,只要在其Discord服務器上注冊之后便可以聽課。這個團體的大部分成員都是有色人種。巴里奧斯在談到其布朗克斯同胞時表示:“我們可以混錄每一首歌曲,也能夠創作新的舞蹈,然而,我們無法教授他們如何提升代際財富?!?/p>



    最近來自芝加哥大學(University of Chicago)的研究顯示,44%持有和交易加密貨幣的美國民眾都是有色人種,這個數字遠高于傳統股票的持有比例。非營利性機構種族與經濟行動中心(Action Center on Race and the Economy)副政治主任米歇爾?吉列姆(Michele Gilliam)表示,這意味著加密貨幣價格的大起大落可能會進一步加劇財富分化。吉列姆承認傳統金融系統的眾多元素存在大量缺陷和種族歧視,但又稱“其解決辦法并非是遷移至另一個更糟糕的系統?!彼龑⒓用茇泿攀袌鲎罱谋辣P比作次貸危機,當時,黑人和拉美房屋所有者失去其房屋的可能性比白人所有者要大的多。

    拋開投機不談,加密貨幣并未證明自己是實現金融包容性的工具。來自布魯金斯學會(Brookings Institution)的研究發現,即便在匯款支付這類使用案例中,加密貨幣的交易成本和價格波動性也超過了其效益,即便與現有的、通常是掠奪性的替代投資產品相比亦是如此。

    如今為加密貨幣站臺的是那些善于說服立法者的領導者和游說人士,而且他們最近十分熱衷于給那些有同情心的人士獻金。托雷斯否認這些捐贈會激發其興趣,但他也得到了其中的一些獻金。他的2022年競選活動收到了來自山姆-班克曼-弗里德2900美元的捐贈。班克曼-弗里德的弟弟加布里爾則向其競選活動和相關政治行動委員會捐贈了3萬多美元。托雷斯還收到了來自個人的近1.2萬美元捐贈,該捐贈者與Andreessen Horowitz有關聯。Andreessen Horowitz曾在位于曼哈頓諾霍區美輪美奐的Zero Bond俱樂部主持了托雷斯的資金籌集活動。


    今年1月,在一個寒冷的周五晚上,托雷斯在一家意大利餐廳與我們再次進行了會面,這家餐廳距離布朗克斯“小意大利”(Little Italy)主干道只有數個街區的距離。這次會面因一向拖拉的眾議院長選舉而推遲,凱文?麥卡錫(Kevin McCarthy)最終在第15輪投票中勝出。


    托雷斯說:“我承認,我是一個非正統的民主黨人士。我在贏得我所在種族的選票時沒有得到民主黨權勢的支持,也沒有得到進步運動的支持?!痹诶硐胂到y的搜尋過程中,托雷斯采取了一些大動作來反對這些權勢。12月,他呼吁政府問責辦公室(Government Accountability Office)調查美國證券交易委員會未能保護公眾免于FTX侵害的原因。對于一個處于第二任期的國會議員來說,痛斥獲總統委任的民主黨人士會引發傳統陣營的不滿,但托雷斯認為這是很正常的事情。在當前國會顛倒的權力格局下,第一年當選的共和黨議員差點讓麥卡錫的議長競選泡湯。有鑒于此,對托雷斯來說,時機或許已經成熟了。

    華盛頓行業組織加密創新委員會(Crypto Council for Innovation)首席執行官希拉?沃倫(Sheila Warren)表示:“在某種程度上,眾議院如今發生任何事情都是可能的。如果有人真的花了大量的時間來學習這一主題,那么他將有很大的空間成為一位有巨大影響力的人物?!?/p>




    去年12月初,美國眾議員里奇?托雷斯(Ritchie Torres)站在他布朗克斯轄區辦公室刻有國會徽章的講臺前,昂首挺胸地看著當地新聞媒體的攝像頭。

    加密貨幣交易所FTX與其少年得志的創始人、華盛頓紅人山姆?班克曼-弗里德(Sam Bankman-Fried),在數周前崩塌了。雖然托雷斯與班克曼-弗里德的直接業務并不沾邊,但也沒能擺脫干系。自2021年1月宣誓就任紐約州第15國會選區民主黨議員以來,托雷斯一直與對加密貨幣感興趣的兩黨政客走的很近。托雷斯代表的是最窮的國會選區之一,他認為加密貨幣有望幫助低收入人群創造財富,并打破不公平的金融權力格局。








    他的很多共和黨同事將加密貨幣看作傳統金融系統的自由主義慰藉,稱贊了加密貨幣在隱私、自治權和撤銷管制方面的潛力。其中一些共和黨,例如懷俄明州參議員辛西婭?盧米斯(Cynthia Lummis),建議將比特幣納入401K組合。托雷斯則采取了更慎重的立場,他表示,政府的職責應該是創建一個讓私營行業可以發展壯大、投資者能夠感到安全的監管環境。托雷斯并沒有推薦美國證券交易委員會最近采取的“法規強制實施”模式,而是提出了類似于紐約州金融服務局(New York’s Department of Financial Services)的模式。在這種模式下,加密貨幣公司需通過嚴格的流程獲得牌照,并遵守合規、記錄保存和資產托管保護要求。




    在布朗克斯新聞發布會一周后的眾議院金融服務委員會聽證會上,托雷斯展現了其耐心的真誠。班克曼-弗里德亦打算出席聽證會,不過他在前一天晚上被巴哈馬當局逮捕,因此這些政客只能無奈地接受由約翰·雷三世(John Ray III, FTX新任首席執行官)來出席聽證會。約翰是企業救援專家,其任務就是監管FTX的破產。每一位國會議員有五分鐘的時間來詢問約翰,很多議員將其當作是出風頭的機會。一位來自密蘇里的議員則自言自語、長篇大論地講述了為什么加密貨幣應被重新命名為“奇怪的面團貨幣”。





    托雷斯由賺著最低薪資的單親母親在東布朗克斯的一個公租房項目中撫養長大,有兩個兄妹。該項目與一片222英畝(約90公頃)的空地隔街相望,這塊空地后來成為了特朗普高爾夫球場。托雷斯就讀的雷曼高中(Lehman High School)是該市最大的公立學校之一,他在高中時就參與了模擬法庭。他必須在形成上訴式的論據之后再提交給法官,通常是對其反對的立場進行潤飾;托雷斯稱,這是他一生中唯一最具塑造力的知識體驗。

    托雷斯就讀紐約大學(New York University)時,因患上了嚴重的抑郁癥于大二退學。由于在高中時參加過當地政客的紐約市議會競選活動,他在這位政客的辦公室干起了兼職工作,最終成為了一名正式員工,負責住房事務。托雷斯決定在2013年競選議會開放席位。25歲的他通過了競爭激烈的初選,并在大選中獲得了91.4%的投票,成為了當時最年輕的現任議會議員。

    如今擔任自由職業者聯盟(Freelancers Union)執行總監的拉斐爾?埃斯皮納爾(Rafael Espinal)在那一年與托雷斯一道入選城市議會,當時他29歲。埃斯皮納爾回憶說,他們在任期初期一同在布魯克林布什維克的一家披薩餐廳吃早午餐。在那里,托雷斯爐火純青的口才令他贊嘆不已。他不久便明顯意識到,托雷斯真正在意的是工作,而不是社交生活:當埃斯皮納爾建議點兩杯含羞草雞尾酒時,托雷斯壓根都沒聽說過這種酒。


    不久后,這兩位決策者圍繞多項改革性事務開展了合作,包括成功推動了無現金業務禁令,為此,托雷斯列舉了處于劣勢地位的有色人種貧窮社區。托雷斯曾擔任議會公租房委員會主席,而且這兩位還是2016年支持伯尼?桑德斯(Bernie Sanders)競選總統的少數議會議員。

    然而,托雷斯對政策問題經常會存在不同看法,往往帶有左傾思想,他認為美國民主黨社會主義人士的理念并不總是反映其選民的想法。他經常將其轄區稱之為“紐約市的圣經帶”,在社會事務方面大概率比AOC(美國批評白人特權的網紅議員亞歷山德里婭·奧卡西奧-科爾特斯[Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez]——譯者注)這群人更加保守,而這對于托雷斯這樣公開身份的同性戀人士來說是一個持續的競選障礙。在上任之后,托雷斯采取了他所稱的“務實進步”立場。在2017年的一個重要關頭,托雷斯就一項警察改革法案達成了幕后交易,同意放寬有關“警察在逗留期間何時必須亮明身份”的法規,此舉被很多曾幾何時的同盟視為背叛行為,但托雷斯辯稱此乃折中之舉。

    此事一出,托雷斯在那些通常會支持金融包容性的盟友中聲名鵲起。據紐約勞工聯盟Strong Economy for All執行理事邁克爾·金克(Michael Kink)描述,托雷斯“更像是一位傳統的政客,而不是那些左翼煽動者”。該事件還在2020年民主黨初選過程中幫助激勵了多位比他更左的挑戰者,不過,托雷斯依然輕松勝出。


    當托雷斯被派往難以應付的眾議院金融服務委員會時,加密貨幣牛市則在加足馬力向前沖,而此時,加密貨幣高管開始加大其在華盛頓宣傳和獻金力度。2021年12月,該委員會舉行了有關加密貨幣的首個聽證會,邀請了包括班克曼-弗里德和Circle首席執行官杰里米?阿萊爾(Jeremy Allaire)。托雷斯當時還是個新人,并開始惡補相關知識,而且盡可能地多讀自己能夠找到的文章,甚至觀看蓋瑞·詹斯勒(Gary Gensler)教授的麻省理工大學區塊鏈課程錄像。蓋瑞如今擔任美國證券交易委員會主席,而且被廣泛認為是加密貨幣的宿敵。

    托雷斯表示,來自民主黨的他有著全新的認識,他認為區塊鏈技術可以幫助解決那些對有色人種低收入群體造成不成比例影響的問題,例如他所在的轄區。托雷斯開始與行業領袖會面,包括風投公司Andreessen Horowitz影響力合伙人克里斯?迪克森(Chris Dixon),后者是比特幣的早期倡導者。托雷斯將迪克森稱為加密貨幣領域令人醍醐灌頂的“哲學家和實干家”。迪克森拒絕接受采訪,但在一封郵件聲明中表揚了托雷斯,并將其稱之為“務實的決策者,而且托雷斯知道實現Web3的潛力需要明晰的監管指引?!?/p>

    迪克森和Andreessen Horowitz是“去中心化互聯網”的支持者,這種互聯網使用區塊鏈技術來分散所有事物的所有權,從藝術到游戲再到無線網絡等技術基礎設施。這一方式遭到了人們的抨擊,有批評家指出,大型風投公司在此類項目中的大量權益只會讓其越來越“去中心化”。然而,托雷斯看到了Web3愿景的潛力。他說,企業中間人從他們身上收取的費用少了,“這意味著工人和創造者可以更多地保留其收入?!?/p>


    蒙特菲奧里醫療中心(Montefiore Medical Center)外科技師胡里奧?巴里奧斯(Julio Barrios)與安德魯?理查茲(Andrew Richards)稱,他們在其更加富有、大部分為白人的同事開展蘋果(Apple)、亞馬遜(Amazon)等傳統股票投資時便開始了加密貨幣投資。這兩位表示,在加密貨幣牛市期間,這些同事開始找他們取經。巴里奧斯笑著說:“我竟然在給上過哈佛大學的醫生提供建議?!?/p>

    巴里奧斯和理查茲創建了社區團體Bronx Crypto,來教授加密貨幣投資的基本理念,每個月25美元,只要在其Discord服務器上注冊之后便可以聽課。這個團體的大部分成員都是有色人種。巴里奧斯在談到其布朗克斯同胞時表示:“我們可以混錄每一首歌曲,也能夠創作新的舞蹈,然而,我們無法教授他們如何提升代際財富?!?/p>



    最近來自芝加哥大學(University of Chicago)的研究顯示,44%持有和交易加密貨幣的美國民眾都是有色人種,這個數字遠高于傳統股票的持有比例。非營利性機構種族與經濟行動中心(Action Center on Race and the Economy)副政治主任米歇爾?吉列姆(Michele Gilliam)表示,這意味著加密貨幣價格的大起大落可能會進一步加劇財富分化。吉列姆承認傳統金融系統的眾多元素存在大量缺陷和種族歧視,但又稱“其解決辦法并非是遷移至另一個更糟糕的系統?!彼龑⒓用茇泿攀袌鲎罱谋辣P比作次貸危機,當時,黑人和拉美房屋所有者失去其房屋的可能性比白人所有者要大的多。

    拋開投機不談,加密貨幣并未證明自己是實現金融包容性的工具。來自布魯金斯學會(Brookings Institution)的研究發現,即便在匯款支付這類使用案例中,加密貨幣的交易成本和價格波動性也超過了其效益,即便與現有的、通常是掠奪性的替代投資產品相比亦是如此。

    如今為加密貨幣站臺的是那些善于說服立法者的領導者和游說人士,而且他們最近十分熱衷于給那些有同情心的人士獻金。托雷斯否認這些捐贈會激發其興趣,但他也得到了其中的一些獻金。他的2022年競選活動收到了來自山姆-班克曼-弗里德2900美元的捐贈。班克曼-弗里德的弟弟加布里爾則向其競選活動和相關政治行動委員會捐贈了3萬多美元。托雷斯還收到了來自個人的近1.2萬美元捐贈,該捐贈者與Andreessen Horowitz有關聯。Andreessen Horowitz曾在位于曼哈頓諾霍區美輪美奐的Zero Bond俱樂部主持了托雷斯的資金籌集活動。


    今年1月,在一個寒冷的周五晚上,托雷斯在一家意大利餐廳與我們再次進行了會面,這家餐廳距離布朗克斯“小意大利”(Little Italy)主干道只有數個街區的距離。這次會面因一向拖拉的眾議院長選舉而推遲,凱文?麥卡錫(Kevin McCarthy)最終在第15輪投票中勝出。


    托雷斯說:“我承認,我是一個非正統的民主黨人士。我在贏得我所在種族的選票時沒有得到民主黨權勢的支持,也沒有得到進步運動的支持?!痹诶硐胂到y的搜尋過程中,托雷斯采取了一些大動作來反對這些權勢。12月,他呼吁政府問責辦公室(Government Accountability Office)調查美國證券交易委員會未能保護公眾免于FTX侵害的原因。對于一個處于第二任期的國會議員來說,痛斥獲總統委任的民主黨人士會引發傳統陣營的不滿,但托雷斯認為這是很正常的事情。在當前國會顛倒的權力格局下,第一年當選的共和黨議員差點讓麥卡錫的議長競選泡湯。有鑒于此,對托雷斯來說,時機或許已經成熟了。

    華盛頓行業組織加密創新委員會(Crypto Council for Innovation)首席執行官希拉?沃倫(Sheila Warren)表示:“在某種程度上,眾議院如今發生任何事情都是可能的。如果有人真的花了大量的時間來學習這一主題,那么他將有很大的空間成為一位有巨大影響力的人物?!?/p>




    In early December, U.S. Rep. Ritchie Torres stood at a lectern embossed with the congressional seal in his district office in the Bronx, staring with his head cocked at a line of local news cameras.

    The cryptocurrency exchange FTX and its founder Sam Bankman-Fried, a darling in Washington, had collapsed a few weeks earlier. Torres was far from Bankman-Fried’s immediate orbit, but he was not free from association, either. Since being sworn in to his seat from New York’s 15th Congressional District in January 2021 as a Democrat, Torres had allied with a bipartisan group of crypto-curious politicians. Representing one of the poorest congressional districts, Torres argued for crypto’s potential to help low-income people build wealth and disrupt the unjust power dynamics of finance.

    Once FTX declared bankruptcy, just three days after Torres’s reelection, none of those ideals mattered. Markets were in free fall, billions of dollars of customer funds were lost, and Torres had been outed as one of dozens of politicians on both sides of the aisle to receive donations from the disgraced founder, who had spent at least $40 million on such outlays. Never mind that Torres had never met one-on-one with SBF, or that the donations he’d received from crypto interests appear to have made up a tiny fraction of his war chest.

    So Torres picked up the tools available to him as a U.S. congressman: He introduced legislation and called a press conference. Wearing a tight navy sweater with a starched ivory collar that shrouded him in a priestly aura, Torres addressed the assembled camera operators. “FTX was essentially a house of cards built on nothing more than Monopoly money,” he said. He unveiled a bill that would require exchanges to prove and publish their assets and liabilities.

    Ever the overachiever, Torres had a second bill drawn up. Before he could discuss it, someone’s cell phone went off. “FTX is interrupting the press conference,” he deadpanned.

    For now, FTX isn’t interrupting Torres’s ascent. At 34 years old, he has established himself as a rising star after just a single term in Congress. Headlines focus on his pioneering demographic profile—Torres is the first openly gay Afro-Latino elected to Congress. But he stands out on policy issues too: At a time when partisan lines are etched in marble, Torres seems to relish contradiction, taking unorthodox positions for a young liberal.

    Of those stances, his support of crypto may be the most divisive. The volatile, largely unregulated industry has been a dominant point of discussion in D.C. throughout its 2021 boom and subsequent bust. Legislators bickered over regulatory details, while regulators themselves largely demonstrated that they couldn’t keep up. And lawmakers on both sides of the aisle came to view crypto as a dangerous distraction, with some calling for outright prohibition.

    But Torres has embraced the promise of crypto and blockchains, hailing them as a conduit for financial inclusion and a tool for dispersing the concentrated power of money. He’s been unusually diligent about learning the technology’s ins and outs—and as a person of color from a modest background, he diverges from the increasingly mocked and distrusted stereotype of the Crypto Bro. With crypto legislation serving as one of the 118th Congress’s top priorities, the distinctive stance of the millennial lawmaker from the Bronx could chart a path for the industry’s survival.

    Fortune met with Torres at his D.C. office in mid-December, where boxes were piled high in preparation for some renovations. Recalling his eventful first term, Torres admits he knew almost nothing about cryptocurrency when he first took office. “Most elected officials have heard of crypto, but very few people can even define it,” he said. “I was one of those people.” But by the time FTX collapsed, Torres had brought himself up to speed, and staked out a position he has called “the liberal case for cryptocurrency.”

    Many of his Republican colleagues see crypto as a libertarian salve to the traditional financial system, lauding cryptocurrencies’ potential for privacy, autonomy, and deregulation. Some, like Wyoming Sen. Cynthia Lummis, advocate including Bitcoin in 401(k) portfolios. Torres has taken a more measured stance. He says the role of government should be creating a regulatory environment where private industry can build and investors feel safe. Rather than the “regulation by enforcement” recently pursued by the Securities and Exchange Commission, Torres advocates a model closer to New York’s Department of Financial Services, where crypto companies can receive licenses through a stringent process with requirements around compliance, record keeping, and asset custody protection.

    Torres says he doesn’t advocate for cryptocurrencies or exchanges as an investment tool. Instead, he argues for the merits of using the underlying blockchain technology to offer faster and cheaper rails for payments, including for check cashing and remittances, which many people rely on in his immigrant-heavy home borough.

    In his take on financial inclusion, he parts ways with many liberals and progressives. Organizers, researchers, and politicians on the left often see crypto in its current form as more a hazard than a help to lower-income communities, an asset class whose volatility and transaction costs make people more vulnerable, not less. And some allege that pro-crypto lawmakers—if not Torres specifically—are motivated more by financial opportunism than by ideals.

    Torres pushes back against such criticism, with a rare mixture of the free-market ideals of cryptocurrency and an almost “Occupy Wall Street”–style rhetoric. “The project of radically decentralizing both the internet and the financial system strikes me as profoundly progressive, more so than people realize,” he says. “There’s no telling how the crypto revolution will unfold or whether it will even succeed, but I’m rooting for its success.”

    Torres’s patient earnestness was on display at a hearing of the House Financial Services Committee, just over a week after his Bronx press conference. Bankman-Fried had been slated to appear until his arrest by Bahamian authorities the night before, so the politicians settled for John Ray III, the corporate salvage expert tasked with overseeing FTX’s bankruptcy. Each congressperson was allotted five minutes to question Ray, an opportunity that many used for grandstanding. One representative from Missouri went on an extended soliloquy about how crypto should be renamed “creepy dough currency.”

    Congresspeople filtered in and out of the room, huddled in the corner in conversation or only entering as their turn to speak neared. Torres, a committee member, was the exception, intently following the proceedings until almost the three-hour mark, when his turn finally came. With scalpel-like precision, he questioned Ray about an obscure token that FTX had created and included on its balance sheet, whose value amounted to $2.2 billion.

    “Do you agree that there’s something fundamentally fraudulent about the practice of counting your own tokens as assets on your balance sheet?” Torres asked.

    Ray looked impressed—well-informed questions, after all, had been rare. “It’s a very risky position to use your own asset effectively as collateral,” he replied.

    That Torres had done his homework would not come as a surprise to those who know him. His work ethic has won Torres respect from across the aisle—as it has throughout a political career that started in his teens.

    He grew up in the East Bronx, raised with two siblings by a single mother making minimum wage, in a public-housing project across the street from a vacant 222-acre plot that became the Trump Golf Links. Torres attended Lehman High School, one of the largest public schools in the city, and participated in moot court. He had to develop appellate-style arguments and present them to judges, often sculpting positions that he disagreed with; Torres says it was the single most formative intellectual experience of his life.

    Torres attended New York University but, dealing with severe depression, dropped out his sophomore year. Having campaigned for a local politician’s New York City Council campaign while in high school, he took a part-time job in his office, eventually working seven days a week on housing issues. Torres decided to run for an open council seat in 2013. He survived a crowded primary field and won 91.4% of the vote in the general election, becoming the youngest serving council member, at 25 years old.

    Rafael Espinal, now the executive director of Freelancers Union, was elected to City Council in the same year as Torres, at 29. Espinal recalled getting brunch early in their term together at a pizzeria in Bushwick, Brooklyn, where he was struck with Torres’s mastery of language. It soon became apparent how dedicated Torres was to his job rather than his social life: When Espinal suggested they order a round of mimosas, Torres had never even heard of the drink.

    Espinal’s parents were from the Dominican Republic, and Torres’s father was from Puerto Rico. Both grew up in low-income homes, and each spent most of their lives “unbanked”; indeed, households in the Bronx are twice as likely to be unbanked as in the rest of New York City. Espinal didn’t have a bank account until he was 20, instead relying on expensive check-cashing businesses, which can charge as much as 10% of the value of the check in fees. “If you grew up in these communities, you quickly learn it’s expensive to be poor,” Espinal says.

    The two lawmakers soon collaborated on progressive issues, including a successful push to ban cashless businesses, which Torres argued disadvantaged poor communities of color. Torres chaired the council’s Committee on Public Housing. And the two were among the few council members to endorse Bernie Sanders for president in 2016.

    Still, Torres often differed with the left on policy issues, arguing that the ethos of the Democratic Socialists of America did not always mirror his constituents. He often referred to his district as the “Bible Belt of New York City”—more likely than the AOC set to be socially conservative, a persistent campaign hurdle for the openly gay Torres. Once in office, he took what he described as “pragmatic progressive” stances. During one pivotal episode in 2017, Torres struck a backroom deal on a police reform bill, agreeing to a watered-down stipulation about when officers have to provide identification during stops—an act that many of his onetime allies took as a betrayal, but that Torres defended as a compromise.

    The incident soured Torres’s reputation among those who would normally be allies on financial inclusion. Michael Kink, executive director of the New York–based labor coalition Strong Economy for All, described Torres as “more of a conventional politician than any kind of left-wing firebrand.” It also helped fuel challengers on his left in the 2020 Democratic primary, though Torres won handily.

    But Espinal describes the distinction as a badge of honor, calling Torres a free thinker. “It’s drawn from his experience and history of growing up in the Bronx,” Espinal says. “This outcast mentality that we bring with us creates true independence.”

    Torres was assigned to the formidable House Financial Services Committee just as cryptocurrencies’ bull run was kicking into high gear, and just as crypto executives began ramping up their pitches and donations in Washington. In December 2021 the committee held its first hearing on crypto, inviting executives including Bankman-Fried and Circle CEO Jeremy Allaire. Torres, hitherto a newbie, threw himself into intensive study, reading as many articles as he could and even watching a video-recorded blockchain course taught at MIT by Gary Gensler, now the chair of the SEC and widely viewed as a crypto nemesis.

    He says he came out on the other side with a new perspective, believing blockchain technology could help solve problems that disproportionately affect low-income communities of color like those in his district. Torres began meeting with industry leaders, including Chris Dixon, an influential partner at venture firm Andreessen Horowitz, who was an early advocate for Bitcoin. Torres describes Dixon as an illuminating “philosopher and practitioner” in the crypto space. Dixon declined to be interviewed, but in an emailed statement he praised Torres as a “pragmatic policymaker who understands that achieving Web3’s potential requires clear regulatory guidelines.”

    Dixon and Andreessen Horowitz are proponents of a “decentralized internet” that uses blockchain technology to spread ownership for everything from art to games to technical infrastructure like Wi-Fi networks. The approach has come under fire, with critics pointing out that the massive venture firm’s large stakes in such projects make them anything but “decentralized.” But Torres sees potential in the Web3 vision. With less of their wealth claimed by corporate middlemen, he explains, “it would mean that workers and creators get to keep a greater share of their income.”

    The view resonates with many of Torres’s constituents. So does the idea that speculating on cryptocurrencies could boost their wealth—a view Torres himself says he’s skeptical of.

    Julio Barrios and Andrew Richards, surgical technicians at the Montefiore Medical Center, say they began to dabble in crypto investment even as their wealthier, mostly white colleagues stuck with traditional stocks like Apple and Amazon. During crypto’s bull run, the two men say, those colleagues began to turn to them for recommendations. “I’m giving advice to doctors who went to Harvard,” Barrios says, laughing.

    Barrios and Richards created the community group Bronx Crypto to teach the basics of crypto investing, for $25 a month, to anyone who signs up for their Discord server. It’s a group whose members are mostly people of color. Of his Bronx neighbors, Barrios says, “We’ve been able to remix every single song, we’ve been able to create new dances, but we have not been able to teach our people how to grow generational wealth.”

    When Torres announced his two crypto bills in December 2022, Barrios and Richards were by his side. Torres held them up as examples of the investors he wanted to protect. Barrios and Richards had about $5,000 locked up in FTX when it filed for bankruptcy, although they say they have overall still seen gains in their risky crypto bets over the long run.

    The sheer volatility of crypto has driven away many on the left—with some arguing that such instability does the most damage to those who can afford it least.

    A recent study from the University of Chicago showed that 44% of Americans who own and trade crypto are people of color, a figure far higher than the number for traditional stock ownership. That means that tumbles in crypto prices can exacerbate the wealth divide even further, says Michele Gilliam, deputy political director of the nonprofit Action Center on Race and the Economy. Gilliam acknowledges that many elements of the traditional financial system are deeply flawed and racist, but adds that “the answer isn’t to move into a system that is even worse.” She compares the recent collapse of the crypto market to the subprime mortgage crisis, where Black and Latino homeowners were far more likely than white borrowers to lose their houses.

    Outside of the realm of speculation, crypto hasn’t yet proved itself as a tool of financial inclusion. Research from the Brookings Institution found that even in use cases like remittance payments, the transaction costs and price volatility of crypto options outweigh the benefits, even compared with existing, often-predatory alternatives.

    What crypto does have is leaders and lobbyists who are adept at making their case to legislators—and who have lately been eager to back sympathetic ones financially. Torres denies that donations motivate his interest, but he has experienced some of the largesse. His 2022 campaign received a $2,900 donation from Sam Bankman-Fried, and Bankman-Fried’s brother, Gabriel, donated over $30,000 to his campaign and related political action committees. Torres also received nearly $12,000 in donations from individuals associated with Andreessen Horowitz, which hosted a fundraiser for him at the glitzy Zero Bond club in Manhattan’s NoHo district.

    Torres says his team is setting aside any donations associated with Bankman-Fried, in the event that they’re clawed back during FTX’s bankruptcy. At the moment, that seems like a manageable sacrifice. Torres’s overall campaign fundraising topped $4 million in the 2022 cycle, and after facing only token opposition, he has most of that cash on hand. Many of his biggest donors have been pro-Israel groups, private equity, and hedge funds—further sources of consternation among his progressive critics.

    On a chilly Friday evening in January, Torres met with Fortune again at an Italian restaurant a few blocks off the main strip of the Bronx’s Little Italy. The meeting was delayed by the historically protracted vote for the House speaker, with Kevin McCarthy finally winning on his 15th ballot.

    Amid the dysfunction, Torres still planned to push his crypto agenda, including reintroducing the two bills he had drafted in the wake of FTX’s collapse. Over a plate of chicken Parmesan (hold the pasta, hold the vegetables), Torres brushed off the notion that he was expressing any kind of controversial viewpoint by promoting blockchain technology.

    “I admit that I’m a heterodox Democrat,” Torres says. “I won my race without the support of the Democratic establishment and without the support of the progressive movement.” In his quest for a saner system, Torres has taken some big swings against that establishment. In December, he called on the Government Accountability Office to investigate the SEC’s failure to protect the public from FTX. For a second-term congressman to lambaste an appointee of a president from his own party raises eyebrows in conventional circles, but Torres views it as common sense. And given the current upended power dynamics in Congress, where first-year GOP representatives almost torpedoed McCarthy’s speaker bid, the environment could be ripe for Torres.

    “On some level, anything is possible in this House right now,” says Sheila Warren, CEO of the Crypto Council for Innovation, a trade group in Washington. “There is a lot of room for somebody who has actually spent time getting educated about this topic to have a lot of influence.”

    And as for critics who complain that it’s fishy for a legislator to be pro-crypto? “If there are people who have issues with me, that’s their problem, not mine,” Torres says. “I’m from the Bronx. I just don’t give a shit.”?



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