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    David Z. Morris




    1月12日,聯邦官員和美國疾病與預防控制中心(CDC)建議各州開始向年齡在65歲以上、或者更年輕,但感染風險較大的居民開放疫苗接種資格。當天,美國衛生與公共服務部(Health and Human Services)的部長亞歷克斯?阿扎宣布,“曲速行動”(Operation Warp Speed)將再投放一批庫存疫苗,以防供應鏈中斷。同一天,美國公共衛生局(U.S. Surgeon General)的局長杰羅姆?亞當斯說:“我們有足夠的(疫苗)儲備,可以開始投放使用?!?/p>


    但是,根據1月16日《華盛頓郵報》(Washington Post)的報道,承諾的疫苗儲備根本就是空頭支票。盡管有阿扎和亞當斯的聲明背書,但“曲速行動”的負責人克里斯托弗?夏普斯滕告訴《華盛頓郵報》,任何所謂存在“聯邦疫苗儲備”的說法都是“不實的謠言”。據報道,在阿扎公開聲明后,一些州的衛生官員就直接被“曲速行動”的工作人員告知,他們的撥款實際上并不會增加。其他人則是直到幾天之后,才收到每周的疫苗分配計劃不會改變的消息。

    各州官員的反應一直很激烈。華盛頓州的州長杰伊?英斯利在推特(Twitter)上發表聲明說:“必須立即對這種欺騙做出回應?!倍砝諏莸闹蓍L凱特?布朗是遵循建議、擴大本州疫苗覆蓋人群范圍的州官員之一。她寫道:“我感到震驚至極,他們提出的是自己無法實現的期望,產生了如此嚴重的后果……俄勒岡州的老年人、老師,我們所有人,都仰賴著聯邦儲備中承諾給我們俄勒岡州的那部分疫苗?!倍砝諏菪l生局(Oregon Health Authority)的發言人在接受《財富》雜志采訪時,將這種反轉描述為“釜底抽薪”——把他們的家底都掀翻了。



    紐約衛生部(New York Health Department)在一份發出不久即被刪除的聲明中說,在該州擴大了接種資格的幾個小時之后,未來14周的預訂就已經滿員了。該部門指出,擴大接種范圍的要求意味著現在有700萬紐約人有資格接種疫苗,但每周聯邦政府運來的只有30萬劑新的補給。該聲明于1月13日發布,但在1月14日做出了一些修改,把某些用語說得更為含糊。


    “以這種方式擴大疫苗接種范圍時,最有能力利用新的優先接種級別的人通常是那些有資源、有時間,并且往往有較高收入的人?!眲P撒家庭基金會(KFF,前名為Kaiser Family Foundation)的健康政策全球副總裁喬什?米肖說?!岸鴽]有獲取信息的網絡,沒有時間和耐心去解決這一切問題的人就會落后?!?/p>


    Sy Mukherjee提供了其他相關報道。



    1月12日,聯邦官員和美國疾病與預防控制中心(CDC)建議各州開始向年齡在65歲以上、或者更年輕,但感染風險較大的居民開放疫苗接種資格。當天,美國衛生與公共服務部(Health and Human Services)的部長亞歷克斯?阿扎宣布,“曲速行動”(Operation Warp Speed)將再投放一批庫存疫苗,以防供應鏈中斷。同一天,美國公共衛生局(U.S. Surgeon General)的局長杰羅姆?亞當斯說:“我們有足夠的(疫苗)儲備,可以開始投放使用?!?/p>


    但是,根據1月16日《華盛頓郵報》(Washington Post)的報道,承諾的疫苗儲備根本就是空頭支票。盡管有阿扎和亞當斯的聲明背書,但“曲速行動”的負責人克里斯托弗?夏普斯滕告訴《華盛頓郵報》,任何所謂存在“聯邦疫苗儲備”的說法都是“不實的謠言”。據報道,在阿扎公開聲明后,一些州的衛生官員就直接被“曲速行動”的工作人員告知,他們的撥款實際上并不會增加。其他人則是直到幾天之后,才收到每周的疫苗分配計劃不會改變的消息。

    各州官員的反應一直很激烈。華盛頓州的州長杰伊?英斯利在推特(Twitter)上發表聲明說:“必須立即對這種欺騙做出回應?!倍砝諏莸闹蓍L凱特?布朗是遵循建議、擴大本州疫苗覆蓋人群范圍的州官員之一。她寫道:“我感到震驚至極,他們提出的是自己無法實現的期望,產生了如此嚴重的后果……俄勒岡州的老年人、老師,我們所有人,都仰賴著聯邦儲備中承諾給我們俄勒岡州的那部分疫苗?!倍砝諏菪l生局(Oregon Health Authority)的發言人在接受《財富》雜志采訪時,將這種反轉描述為“釜底抽薪”——把他們的家底都掀翻了。



    紐約衛生部(New York Health Department)在一份發出不久即被刪除的聲明中說,在該州擴大了接種資格的幾個小時之后,未來14周的預訂就已經滿員了。該部門指出,擴大接種范圍的要求意味著現在有700萬紐約人有資格接種疫苗,但每周聯邦政府運來的只有30萬劑新的補給。該聲明于1月13日發布,但在1月14日做出了一些修改,把某些用語說得更為含糊。


    “以這種方式擴大疫苗接種范圍時,最有能力利用新的優先接種級別的人通常是那些有資源、有時間,并且往往有較高收入的人?!眲P撒家庭基金會(KFF,前名為Kaiser Family Foundation)的健康政策全球副總裁喬什?米肖說?!岸鴽]有獲取信息的網絡,沒有時間和耐心去解決這一切問題的人就會落后?!?/p>


    Sy Mukherjee提供了其他相關報道。


    A federal recommendation that states expand eligibility for the coronavirus vaccine appears to have been premised on inaccurate claims about expanded vaccine availability by high-ranking Trump administration officials. That could add even more chaos to a U.S. vaccine rollout already characterized by dysfunction, with particular harm to frontline workers and the elderly, who may now face much stiffer competition from lower-risk Americans for a place in line.

    On January 12, federal officials and the CDC recommended that states open up vaccine eligibility to anyone over the age of 65 or younger residents with added risk factors. The same day, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar announced that Operation Warp Speed would release a stockpile of doses that had been held as insurance against supply-chain disruptions. Also on January 12, U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams said that “we have enough [vaccine] in reserve that we can just start pushing those doses out there.”

    Many states have already expanded eligibility to anyone over 65. But states including New York, Oregon, and Connecticut focused on vaccinating health workers and nursing home residents, following prior CDC guidelines. They opened the doors to those over 65 only after January 12’s recommendations and the accompanying promise that more supply was on the way.

    But according to reporting on January 16 from the Washington Post, the promised vaccine reserves simply aren’t there. Despite the statements from Azar and Adams, Operation Warp Speed director Christopher Sharpsten told the Post that the existence of any federal vaccine reserve was a “false rumor.” After Azar's public statements, some state health officials reportedly heard directly from Operation Warp Speed officials that their allocations would not in fact increase. But others did not find out until days later when they received unchanged weekly distribution plans.

    Response from state officials has been scathing. In a statement posted on Twitter, Washington Gov. Jay Inslee said, “The Trump admin. must answer immediately for this deception.” Oregon Gov. Kate Brown, whose state was among those who followed the recommendation to expand access, wrote: “I am shocked and appalled that they have set an expectation on which they could not deliver, with such grave consequences…Oregon’s seniors, teachers, all of us, were depending on the promise of Oregon’s share of the federal reserve of vaccines being released to us.” A spokesperson for the Oregon Health Authority described the reversal as "having the rug pulled out from under us" in an interview with Fortune.

    The push to expand eligibility was itself a response to a vaccine rollout that has been criticized as too slow and restrictive, in part because every state has been expected to develop its own plans, with little federal assistance. The incoming Biden administration had already signaled that it planned a similar eligibility expansion.

    But without expanded supply to match, the changes have likely made the already disheartening situation even worse.

    In a since-deleted statement, the New York Health Department said that appointments were fully booked for the next 14 weeks, just hours after the state had expanded eligibility. The agency pointed out that the looser requirements meant 7 million New Yorkers were now eligible to be vaccinated, but only 300,000 new doses were being delivered from the federal government each week. The statement was posted on January 13 but replaced on January 14 with less specific language.

    States may respond to the revelation of missing supplies by reversing their expansions of eligibility. But short of that, the head fake by the Trump administration will have the worst effects on groups including frontline and essential workers and those over 75, who would have otherwise been eligible and wouldn't have had to compete with the much larger group now in the running.

    “When you open it up this way, often the people who are best poised to take advantage of the new prioritization are those who have the resources, have the time, and tend to have higher income,” says Josh Michaud, associate director of Global Health Policy for KFF (formerly the Kaiser Family Foundation). “People who don’t have the information networks, who don’t have the time and patience to go through and figure all this out, they get left behind.”

    The situation also highlights the lack of transparency about vaccine supply in general. “From the outside looking in, we have very little visibility into how many doses Operation Warp Speed thinks they’ll be getting,” says Michaud. “This has been shrouded in secrecy,” leaving states more dependent on statements from officials—whether they’re true or not.

    Additional reporting provided by Sy Mukherjee.



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