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    Lucinda Shen 2017-06-26
    Uber CEO兼共同創始人特拉維斯·卡蘭尼克宣布,應投資者的要求,辭去當前的職位??ㄌm尼克并不孤單,有許多CEO和創始人都曾被他們一手創建的公司驅逐。


    這一現象在上周三變得更加清晰。Uber CEO兼共同創始人特拉維斯·卡蘭尼克宣布,應投資者的要求,辭去當前的職位。Uber的金主們希望,這家叫車服務公司能夠從今年早些時候開始讓他們焦頭爛額的丑聞中走出來,包括性騷擾舉報,以及卡蘭尼克與一名Uber司機爭吵的視頻。





    2011年,擔任CEO的卡林被趕下臺,接替他的是他幫助從雅虎聘用的一位高管。當時,Etsy的用戶增長陷入停滯,而卡林的目標與投資者的目標存在分歧,因此,他顯然被視為是效率低下的領導者。在2011年《Inc.》雜志的一篇文章中,卡林稱創造股東價值是“荒謬的”。目前尚不確定卡林的現狀,但《紐約時報》曾在2016年的一篇文章中報道過這位前CEO的狀況。當時,他買下了一座舊磨坊,并在里面組建了一個匠人社團。但他似乎并不急于再次創業。他說道: “我很高興自己不再是一家上市公司的CEO?!盓tsy現在依舊困難重重,最近又更換了CEO,并裁員22%。


    楊致遠在上世紀90年代末創建了雅虎,2007年擔任CEO,2008年被趕下臺。楊致遠擔任CEO時對微軟(Microsoft)的收購要約處理不當,結果引起了投資者的不滿。他先是在2008年春拒絕了440億美元的報價,但在微軟撤回報價之后,他卻又要求進一步談判。最后,楊致遠甚至在2012年離開了雅虎董事會,但依舊持有公司3.8%的股份。雅虎最終未能實現好轉,并在今年早些時候被一分為二,其核心互聯網業務被賣給了威瑞森(Verizon),而在阿里巴巴(Alibaba)和日本雅虎(Yahoo Japan)的持股則并入一家新公司,并更名為“Altaba”。楊致遠現在是阿里巴巴董事會成員。


    多爾西現在是兩家不同公司的CEO,但他曾經遭到其中一家公司驅逐。2008年,Twitter董事會將多爾西掃地出門,原因據稱是他把過多的精力放在了自己的個人愛好上,包括縫紉和繪畫。據Hatching Twitter披露,多爾西與投資者的溝通不暢,而且應對批評的方式貌似也很糟糕。Twitter董事會似乎依舊希望CEO能夠具備多爾西的眼光,但很顯然這是他的前任/繼任者所不具備的,因此2015年,Twitter董事會邀請他回歸公司,重新擔任CEO。Twitter的股價較歷史最高水平依舊下跌了73%。



    Nasty Gal創始人索菲婭·阿莫魯索









    初創公司董事會拒絕創始人擔任CEO,不料最后卻決定還是需要創始人回歸,這種情況似乎很常見。平克斯在2007年創立了游戲公司Zynga,并在這家出品了《FarmVille》的公司擔任CEO直至2013年,后來他將這個職務交給了一位經驗豐富的微軟高管。但直到2015年,這一任命也沒有帶來公司所希望的好轉,于是公司又將平克斯請了回來,但在一年后公司狀況仍沒有改善,結果他再次被掃地出門。一名藝電(Electronic Arts)的前高管之后接任了CEO,而平克斯則在公司擔任執行董事長。(財富中文網)


    Startup founders and their companies don't always stay a package deal.

    That became even clearer Wednesday, when Uber's CEO and co-founder Travis Kalanick said he would step down from his position at the behest of his investors. Uber's financial backers hoped that doing so would allow the ride-sharing company to move past the scandals that began bombarding it earlier this year, including reports of sexual harassment and a video of Kalanick arguing with an Uber driver.

    He joins a club of many other CEOs and founders who have been forced out of their company—including Steve Jobs' early ousting from Apple, and his famous return.

    Still, while some founders return to the position of CEO years later, others move on to new ventures. A few evens choose to leave it all behind.

    Here's what happened to some of the founders that have been pushed out of their CEO position at a company they helped build.

    Etsy Co-Founder Rob Kalin

    Kalin was was ousted from his CEO role in 2011 in favor of a Yahoo executive he had helped hire. At the time, user growth was beginning to stall at Etsy, and Kalin was apparently seen as an ineffective leader with goals poorly aligned with those of his investors. In a 2011 piece in Inc., Kalin reportedly called the idea of creating shareholder value "ridiculous." It's unclear exactly what Kalin is doing now, though the New York Times followed up on the former CEO in a 2016 profile. By then, Kalin had bought an old mill and filled it with a community of artisans. And he seemed in no hurry to build another startup, saying: "I’m so glad I’m not the CEO of a publicly traded company." Etsy, however, is still struggling, with the company recently replacing its CEO and cutting 22% of its workforce.

    Yahoo Co-Founder Jerry Yang

    Yang founded Yahoo in the late 1990s, ascended to the rank of CEO in 2007, and was out the door in 2008. Investors were displeased when the CEO appeared to fumble a takeover offer from Microsoft, first resisting the $44 billion acquisition bid in the spring of 2008, only to call for more talks after the offer was withdrawn. Eventually, Yang even left Yahoo's board in 2012, still with a 3.8% stake in the company. Yahoo's turnaround failed to materialize, and earlier this year, the company split in two, with its core internet business sold to Verizon, and its stake in Alibaba and Yahoo Japan set in a company renamed "Altaba." Yang on the other hand now sits on the board of Alibaba.

    Twitter Co-Founder Jack Dorsey

    He might be the CEO of two different companies now, but Jack Dorsey was once fired from one of those roles. Twitter's board ousted Dorsey in 2008, with reports that he focused too much on his hobbies including sewing and drawing. Dorsey, according to Hatching Twitter, also failed to communicate with investors and appeared to handle criticism poorly. Still, it seemed that Twitter's board wanted a CEO with Dorsey's vision — something his predecessor/successor lacked — putting him back to the CEO role in 2015. Still, shares of the company are still down 73% from their all-time high.

    Zenefits Founder Parker Conrad

    Conrad jumped back to his feet relatively quickly after leaving Zenefits. In 2016, the founder and then-CEO of the HR software startup was accused of regulatory impropriety — namely, he had allowed unlicensed brokers sell insurance through their program — and was forced to step down. Zenefits consequentially lost over half its value. But Conrad now has a new human resources startup called Rippling that will compete with Zenefits. Earlier this year, the company laid off 40% of its workers, and most recently, was ordered to pay $3.4 million in unpaid overtime to employees.

    Nasty Gal Founder Sophia Amoruso

    Amoruso ceded her role as CEO to former Lululemon executive Sheree Waterson in 2015. At the time, the company was facing flat sales, with Amoruso telling Recode that it needed a CEO with business expertise. But by late 2016, the company that started out as an eBay account filed for bankruptcy. Still, Amoruso is not out of the headlines, thanks to a Netflix series loosely based on her life named Girlboss.

    Tesla Founder Martin Eberhard

    It's hard to divorce Tesla from the its current CEO, Elon Musk. But the electric car maker once was helmed by its founder, Martin Eberhard. But In 2007, Eberhard, an engineer by trade, formally resigned from his role at the behest of Tesla's board, allowing Michael Marks, an early Tesla investor, to take his position. He became an employee of the company, albeit one with few responsibilities. So in early 2008, Eberhard left the company—though he still held shares of Tesla. Eberhard later tried to sue Musk, but with little success. Since then, Eberhard has become the Chief Technology Officer in his own electric-car-related startup called InEvit. Meanwhile, Tesla, now helmed by Musk, is the U.S.'s largest carmaker by market cap.

    Bonobos Founder Andy Dunn

    Recently, Walmart agreed to acquire Bonobos for $310 million, retaining its CEO as a digital vice president. Even before the deal though, Dunn had tried to step away as CEO in 2015. Like other startup founders before him, Dunn attempted to give his CEO duties to a business world alumna — a former Coach executive, according to Pitchbook. But arrangement lasted for a few months, before Dunn noted: “What she and I learned in just a few months is that at this stage, we still need the founder at the helm.”

    Munchery Co-Founder Tri Tran

    On-demand food delivery startup Munchery struggled to find a sustainable business model — to no avail. In November, a business world alum, SimplyHired's James Beriker, took over the role of CEO from co-founder Tri Tran. Tran was given the position of chief strategic officer — though that didn't last long. Roughly two months later, Munchery had let go of 30 employees, along with Tran.

    Zynga Founder Mark Pincus

    It seems quite common for startup boards to reject a founder as CEO — only to decide they needed their founder back after all. Pincus founded game maker Zynga in 2007, and served as the FarmVille maker's CEO until 2013, when he handed the position over to an experienced executive from Microsoft. But when that didn't bring about the turnaround the company wanted by 2015, Pincus was ushered back in — only to roll right back out the door a year later when the company still didn't improve. A former executive from Electronic Arts then took on the role, while Pincus stayed on as the executive chairman.

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