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    Bruce Weinstein 2015年07月11日





    ????當我將這個故事告訴Baker & McKenzie律師事務所全球人力資源總監艾倫·泰克泰爾時,他表示,吉爾之所以能夠如此盡其所能為顧客服務,是因為聯邦快遞這樣的公司鼓勵員工去做這樣的事情。關懷型的領導方式意味著支持和認可像吉爾這樣的員工所付出的努力,從而使員工和客戶都能從中獲益。



    ????1. 絕不以員工的畏懼為領導手段。專注于員工不應該做的事情會增加他們在工作中的局促不安感,并增加其做出不道德行為的幾率。

    ????2. 強調積極結果。遵循肯·布蘭查德的原則,要尋找團隊成員的優點,而不是把注意力集中在他們做錯了什么上。誠然,任何一家公司總有需要懲戒的時候;但同樣地,在更多情況下,如果你的員工表現優異,就應該得到認可。普華永道的報告也得出類似結論。

    ????3. 賦予團隊權力。在聯邦快遞,吉爾擁有可以如此解決問題的自主權。如今,她已成為那位加拿大客戶心中的英雄。通過給予員工廣闊的活動空間,并發現員工的重要成就,弗里德·史密斯不僅在員工中深得人心,也得到客戶的信賴。


    ????A FedEx success story

    ????FedEx managers and employees live by what the company calls the Purple Promise: “Placing customers at the center of all we do.” I asked Fred Smith, the company’s CEO, to talk about how an employee faced a challenge at work but still honored the company’s mission. He told me about a woman I’ll call Jill who learned that a package containing two baby walkers intended for a Canadian customer never reached its destination. It had been damaged severely en route, and replacements were not for sale in Canada.

    ????Even though Jill had not been involved in the initial transaction with the customer, she “took personal responsibility, located and purchased the two baby walkers locally, prepared the paperwork, arranged for shipment to the customer and monitored the shipment until it was delivered,” Fred said. As a representative of the company as a whole, Jill felt it was her personal responsibility to get the customer the items she was expecting. “The customer was elated at the length FedEx went to take care of her,” Fred concluded.

    ????If you were that customer, wouldn’t you tell your friends and colleagues about how well the company treated you? The next time you need to send a package somewhere, which service would you use and recommend to others?

    ????When I told this story to Alan Tecktiel, Global HR Director at the law firm Baker & McKenzie, he noted that Jill was able to go to the lengths she did because companies like FedEx their employees to do these kinds of things. Caring leadership, which means supporting and recognizing the efforts of people like Jill, benefits employees and clients alike.

    ????Call to action

    ????Corporate leaders who want to deliver strong results through caring leadership should do these three things:

    ????1. Refuse to lead by fear. Focusing on what employees shouldn’t be doing increases the odds that they’ll be ill at ease at work and engage in unethical behavior.

    ????2. Accentuate the positive. Follow Ken Blanchard’s rule of looking for the good in your team members rather than zeroing in on what they’re doing wrong. Yes, there’s a place for discipline in every organization, but there is also plenty of room for acknowledging what your people are doing right. The PwC report came to a similar conclusion.

    ????3. Empower your team. At FedEx, Jill had the latitude to solve a problem the way she did and is now a hero to her Canadian customer. By granting his employees a wide berth and noting their considerable accomplishments, Fred Smith wins the hearts and minds of both the people who work for him and the people he works for.

    ????With all due respect to Don Corleone, outstanding leaders make care, not fear, the foundation of their leadership style.

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