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    Bruce Weinstein 2015年07月11日











    ????而在商界,服務型領導者還要立足于關懷,因為提升一家公司業績最有效的方式就是照顧好公司最重要的元素:員工。其中也包括管理層?!缎隆耙环昼姽芾碚摺薄罚═he New One-Minute Manager)一書的作者肯·布蘭查德上周告訴我,他與許多《財富》500強公司打了一輩子交道,并從中認識到,人們“希望在一家能讓自己感覺有贏的機會、能實現目標的企業工作?!彼硎?,聰明的領導者會將“表揚、發現員工做對的事并為他們加油鼓勁”變成一種習慣。


    ????Last week I had the pleasure of seeing my favorite American film, Francis Ford Coppola and Mario Puzo’sThe Godfather, at the Mann Theater in Philadelphia with live accompaniment by the Philadelphia Orchestra. In the opening scene, Don Vito Corleone admonishes his friend, Amerigo Bonasera, for taking so long to ask for help in seeking justice against the hoods who harmed Amerigo’s daughter. Not only would Amerigo’s immediate problem have been solved, the Don notes, but if “by chance if an honest man such as yourself should make enemies, then they would become my enemies. And then they would fear you.”

    ????Leading through fear worked well for Don Corleone—for a time. Once his son, Michael, took over the family affairs, however, that leadership style eventually became self-destructive.

    ????The screening of this film, now over 40 years old, proved to be timely in the wake of a new report entitled, “Why You Can’t Scare Bankers Into Doing the Right Thing.” This study, a joint project of PricewaterhouseCoopers and theLondon Business School, looked at the choices that managers in insurance, wealth management, and banking make with respect to bonuses, pay raises, and promotions.

    ????A survey of 2,431 managers revealed that people do better work when they’re motivated by the desire to achieve benefits rather than by the fear of missing opportunities.

    ????“Imagine it’s coming to the end of the business year,” the survey asked half of the participants. “You’re lagging behind your colleagues. If you don’t do better than them you’ll lose your substantial bonus. How does that make you feel?” Managers presented with this scenario were 15% more anxious than excited and more than twice more likely to act unethically compared with their counterparts, who were presented with an end-of-year scenario that focused on positive outcomes.

    ????“Anxiety disrupts people’s capacity to make good decisions, often leading them to behave less ethically,” the report explained.

    ????This research provides yet more evidence that leadership based on care, rather than intimidation, is the key to a satisfied workforce, honorable behavior, and happier clients. Care is an essential component of high-character leaders. But what exactly is care?


    ????Care is first and foremost a strong feeling or passion. It means having a deep concern for the well-being and flourishing of others. Of course, caring leaders do more than feel strongly about helping people. They put those feelings into action. Care without action is as meaningless as a G-rated Quentin Tarantino film.

    ????In my previous column, I talked about how standing up to Apple’s unfair compensation policies for musical artists revealed Taylor Swift to be a servant-leader. Humility is a hallmark of servant leadership, because servant-leaders like Swift use their public platform to advance the interests of all.

    ????But servant leadership in business is also based on care, because the best way to advance an organization’s mission is by looking after the most important element of the company: its employees. And that includes its management. Ken Blanchard, author of The New One-Minute Manager, told me last week that his lifelong work with many Fortune 500 companies has taught him that people “want to be in organizations where they feel that they have a chance to win and accomplish goals.” Smart leaders, Ken notes, make it a habit of “praising and catching people doing things right and cheering them on.”

    ????Satisfied managers and employees lead to a crucial component of successful businesses: satisfied clients.

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