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    Shawn Tully 2014年11月26日


    ????所以,一種可能性是切尼維特的目標超出了董事會認為可以實現的程度。事實上,聯合技術公司已經調低了今年的每股收益增長預期。另外一種可能性是,董事會曾主張拆分公司的飛機發動機與建筑服務業務。其中,飛機發動機業務的盈利能力相對較低。在聯合技術公司旗下的普惠發動機公司(Pratt & Whitney),營業利潤率為12.9%。此外,受到美國國防開支削減的影響,該公司直升機部門西科斯基(Sikorsky)的營業利潤率僅有9.5%。相反,建筑業務,包括奧的斯電梯和開利(Carrier)HVAC產品(譯注:供暖、通風與空調),在2013年的利潤率則為15.7%。股東們的觀點是,獨立的建筑系統公司可以獲得溢價倍數,拆分可以為股東帶來更大收益。


    ????出生于加拿大的切尼維特本來應該享有更高的聲譽。他為數不多的外部活動是擔任國會榮譽勛章基金會(Congressional Medal of Honor Foundation)的董事,這對我們很有啟發。該基金會的使命是宣傳勛章獲得者們的英勇無畏,其中許多獲得者都已是80歲或90歲高齡。因參與越南戰爭獲得榮譽勛章的杰克?雅各布斯表示:“士兵們克服重重困難成功占領高地的故事,令他很受啟發。路易斯認為,萬事皆有可能,只要這件事情足夠重要?!?/p>



    ????Since Chenevert set those goals, the outlook in Europe has only become more dire. His plan also counts on big growth in China to drive sales of its Otis elevators. The rise of ghost cities, and the specter of vast overbuilding, means the biggest, fastest-growing elevator market on the planet may slow substantially in the years ahead.

    ????So one possibility is that Chenevert’s goals exceeded what the board believes are achievable. In fact, United Technologies already downgraded its expectations for this year’s EPS growth. Another possibility is that the directors advocated splitting the aircraft engine and building services businesses. The former is the less profitable of the two. At United’s engine-maker Pratt & Whitney, operating margins stand at 12.9%. Sikorsky, the company’s helicopter unit, which has suffered from cutbacks in defense spending, earns just 9.5%. By contrast, buildings systems—consisting of Otis, as well as Carrier HVAC products—boasted margins of 15.7% for 2013. The idea is that an independent building systems company would merit a premium multiple and a split would provide big gains to shareholders.

    ????It’s long been rumored that United Technologies is pondering a sale of Sikorsky. Chenevert is a big believer that United Technologies should stand on two strong legs. It’s unlikely that he would favor either the aerospace-building systems split or the sale of the helicopter-maker. Nor do we know the board’s view on either, or whether it conflicted with the CEO’s. What’s obvious is that 57-year old CEOs with sterling records seldom step down without some sort of clash in strategy with their boards, assuming the reason isn’t health-related or personal.

    ????The Canadian-born Chenevert deserved to be far better known. It’s instructive that one of his few outside activities was serving as a director of the Congressional Medal of Honor Foundation, whose mission is to promote awareness of the valor of its recipients, many of them in their 80s or 90s. “He’s obviously inspired by stories about soldiers who succeeded in taking the hill against all odds,” says Jack Jacobs, a Medal of Honor winner from his service in Vietnam. “Louis has a view that nothing is impossible if it’s important enough.”

    ????Did Chenevert push his troops to do what was genuinely impossible, and let his success in reaching elastic goals convince him that the next one was always within reach? All we know is that, for the most part, his relentless optimism worked as a management style. Under Hayes, we’ll probably see a more conservative United Technologies. But it will greatly benefit from the growth engines that Chenevert put in place.

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