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    Shawn Tully 2014年11月26日

    ????這是近期記憶中最令人匪夷所思的高管辭職事件。本周一,即11月24日早上7點,聯合技術公司(United Technologies)宣布,57歲的CEO路易斯?切尼維特即將退休。切尼維特從2008年4月開始擔任公司CEO。他的接任者將是長期擔任公司首席財務官的格雷戈里?海耶斯。


    ????此外,在最大的窄體機噴氣式發動機市場,切尼維特讓聯合技術公司重新回歸領先地位。切尼維特的助手們經常說,“路易斯的最愛”是齒輪傳動式渦輪風扇發動機,這款革命性的發動機可比傳統設計節省16%的燃油,并且可將起飛與降落時的噪聲降低75%。這款發動機成為新型龐巴迪C系列(Bombardier C-Series)的唯一選擇,也是通用電氣(GE)一款同類產品的強勁對手。后者是空中客車公司(Airbus)最暢銷機型A320-neo的發動機提供商。

    ????在切尼維特的領導下,聯合技術公司一舉成為美國最賺錢的大型企業集團。公司去年的總資產現金回收率為11.4%,遠遠高于通用電氣的8.2%。在切尼維特掌管公司期間,公司的股票收益率達到84%,比標準普爾500指數(S&P 500.)高出20個百分點。






    ????It was one of the most baffling C-suite resignations in recent memory. At 7 a.m. on Monday, November 24, United Technologies announced that Louis Chenevert, its CEO since April 2008, was stepping down immediately at age 57. His replacement: his long-time CFO Gregory Hayes.

    ????I spent time interviewing Chenevertfor a recent story, and everything about him was big. He stands 6’5”; shaking his hand is like clutching an electrode. And he was all about big ideas and super-stretch goals. It was Chenevert who orchestrated the biggest deal in aerospace history, United Technologies’ $16.3 billion acquisition of Goodrich in 2010. By pursuing a deal in a depressed market, he snagged the maker of brakes and landing gear at a bargain price. That merger made United Technologies, which was already a big engine-maker, a full-service manufacturer that provides everything that goes on an airliner, from tail to nose, except avionics.

    ????Chenevert also restored United Technologies UTX -1.37% to the front ranks in the largest market for jet engines, those designed for narrow-body airplanes. “Louis’ baby,” as his lieutenants used to say, is the geared-turbofan, a revolutionary engine that saves around 16% on fuel over conventional designs, and reduces noise at takeoff and landing by 75%. It’s the sole choice on the new Bombardier C-Series, and a strong rival to an engine produced by a GE GE 0.04% partnership on the best-selling Airbus A320-neo.

    ????Under Chenevert, United Technologies reigned as arguably the most profitable conglomerate in America. Its cash return on total assets last year was 11.4%, far better than General Electric’s 8.2%. During Chenevert’s time at the top, he’s delivered an 84% total return to shareholders, about 20 points better than the S&P 500.

    ????So, given Chenevert’s excellent record—and typically ebullient optimism about the future, justified or not—why did he resign? The company states that the decision was his alone, and that no financial improprieties were involved. Indeed, the company reaffirmed its current earnings guidance for 2014.

    ????United Technologies has suffered a few setbacks this year, including a fire in the prototype for the geared turbofan on the Bombardier C-Series and an engine blowout on the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter. Both problems have been fixed. The C-Series is slated to launch on schedule at the end of 2015.

    ????The appointment of Hayes, an insider with a careful eye on operations, also suggests that the company’s board is satisfied with its current performance.

    ????The problem may be Chenevert’s promises for the future. Of course, it’s possible that Chenevert is departing for purely personal reasons. But it’s also possible that he has simply set the bar too high for United Technologies, and that a mature, old-economy stalwart, no matter how well run or how adept at harnessing fresh technology, simply cannot soar as high, and as fast, as the CEO’s flight plan demands.

    ????Chenvert never stopped pushing his business heads to achieve the near-impossible. Early this year, the buildings systems unit, which accounts for more than half the company’s sales, pledged to lift revenues from $29 billion to $50 billion by 2020, and raise margins by over 4 points to 20%. Getting there requires an epic 8%-a-year growth rate in sales, and an even faster increase in earnings. That 8% is more than twice the rate of projected global expansion in GDP. But that’s what the boss wanted.

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