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    Benjamin Snyder 2014年07月23日

    ??? 度假公寓租賃服務網站Airbnb上周發布的一個新logo引來了不少人的批評。有人說它像一枚三角型的曲別針,更無節操者甚至說它像是女性的某個器官。但是Airbnb公司仍然支持這個logo,該公司把它稱做Bélo,并稱它象征著歸屬感。Airbnb在其官方博客上稱:“它是一個象征,代表了那些想要在家中獲得新的體驗、感受新的文化、開啟新的對話的人?!贝蟾胖挥行币曆鄄拍芸吹贸鰜戆?。





    ????Vacation rental service Airbnb unveiled a new logo last week that generated a wave of criticism for its design. Some likened it to a triangular paperclip or, even more crudely, to certain female anatomy. But the company still stands by the logo, which it calls Bélo and says represents belonging. “It’s a symbol for people who want to welcome into their home new experiences, new cultures, and new conversations,” Airbnbsaid on its blog. Well, maybe if you squint.

    ????As to be expected, branding experts aren’t exactly thrilled by the design. Their verdict: Why futz with something that seemed to work just fine.

    ????“My issue is that the original logo was pretty good to begin with,” said Rick Barrack, chief creative officer at CBX, a brand agency.

    ????Airbnb’s prior logo – the company’s name in light blue lettering – was simple and something that more start-ups should do, he said. It communicated the brand and stuck in the mind of its users. Despite backlash, Barrack said that Airbnb should now stay the course. “The outrage will go away very quickly,” he predicted.

    ????Against the backdrop of Airbnb’s logo Fortune is exploring other examples of corporate branding that – at least according to popular opinion – missed the mark. Here are a few examples:






    ????Date released: 2009

    ????Lifespan: Nearly two months

    ????The Pepsico-owned juices , which claims to deliver "100% pure squeezed Florida sunshine" to its customers, had somewhat of a cloudy day branding-wise five years ago when it introduced new packaging. The company replaced its iconic logo - an orange-with-a-straw-stuck-in-it - in favor of a glass filled with juice. The backlash was fierce: Sales by Tropicana rivals increased, while its own fell 20%, according to AdvertisingAge. A little over a month later, it switched back to its previous design.

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