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    Gary Hamel 2014年03月13日



    ????作者邁克爾?漢默和詹姆斯?杰姆培在1993年的暢銷書《企業再造》(Re-engineering the Corporation)中曾經指出,企業的采購、生產及分銷產品和服務的流程應該進行一番徹底的改造。雖然簡化工作流程的理念早已不新鮮了(早在90年前,弗雷德里克?溫斯洛?泰勒就在大聲疾呼“科學化管理”),但是直到現在,IT技術才使企業具備了打破職能團隊各自為戰的局面、簡化繁瑣流程、顯著削短反應時間的能力。



    ????Over the past 20 years, nothing has transformed business as thoroughly or as frequently as information technology. In the first wave, advances in IT prompted many companies to revamp their operating models. In Wave 2, the growing power of the Web provoked a fundamental rethink of business models. And over the next few years, Wave 3 will yield a broad-based and long overdue revolution in management models.

    ????Wave 1: New Operating Models

    ????In their 1993 bestseller, Re-engineering the Corporation, Michael Hammer and James Champy argued for a comprehensive retooling of the operating processes that organizations use to source, produce, and distribute their products and services. While the idea of simplifying workflows was hardly new (90 years earlier, it had been at the heart of Frederick Winslow Taylor's crusade for "scientific management"), what was new was the capacity of information technology to bust through functional silos, simplify byzantine processes, and dramatically reduce response times.

    ????In the wake of Hammer and Champy's book, businesses around the world spent hundreds of billions of dollars integrating and streamlining their supply chains. Today, it would be hard to find a large organization that hasn't paid a small fortune to vendors like SAP (SAP), Oracle (ORCL), and Salesforce (CRM) for their ERP (enterprise resource planning) and CRM (customer relationship management) "solutions."

    ????Re-engineering, which might have looked like a one-time project to a neophyte CIO in the early 1990s, has become a never-ending arms race. Each new technology -- big data, cloud computing, mobile -- launches a new sprint. It isn't cheap to stay in the race. IT consultancy Gartner estimated that in 2013, companies around the world ponied up nearly $300 billion for enterprise software; an amount that, though staggering, was less than 8% of total IT spending. While IT seldom delivers all it promises, no organization can opt out. It's ante up or fall behind.

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