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    Verne Harnish 2013年07月03日


    ????1. 釣簡歷

    ????為了與Facebook和蘋果(Apple)等龐然大物爭搶優秀人才,在大學招聘會上,僅有150名員工的科技公司Inflection 采用了一種非常難對付的游擊營銷策略來吸引最優秀的求職者。這家公司讓來自名牌大學的員工分發“幸運13”臨時紋身——意思是說公司將在2013年聘用13人。結果:這家來自加州紅木海岸的公司收到了1,500份求職申請,其中包括來自斯坦福大學(Stanford)和麻省理工(MIT)等名牌院校的高材生。

    ????2. 以文化契合度為標準

    ????建筑咨詢公司Little in Charlotte的初級崗位通常會有數百名追求者。為了找出能夠在“有趣、開放、協作的文化”中成長的合適人選,公司全國工程總監杰夫?羅曼會挑選出有過社區工作經歷或在兄弟會、運動隊中擔任過領導角色的人選。展示陳述是這家公司工作的一個重要部分,因此他說:“你必須具備和其他人交談的能力?!?/p>

    ????3. 用獨特的視角看待過去的成就

    ????我們很難評估沒有全職工作經驗的年輕人,所以我們應該從其他角度來評估他們的能力。在僅有十人的翻譯公司Choice Translating,公司首席運營官弗農?梅納德發現,做過自由職業的年輕應聘者習慣了在一個項目結束后領取薪酬,這一點非常適合他的虛擬公司。他說:“團隊里的每一名成員都必須能夠自我管理?!?/p>

    ????4. 提高價碼


    ????5. 配備導師


    ????本文作者凡爾納?哈尼什是高管培訓公司Gazelles Inc.的首席執行官。


    ????As hiring picks up, discovering and nurturing talent is ever more crucial. Here's how to do it:

    ????1. Seed the résumé pile

    ????Vying for top talent against the likes of Facebook (FB) and Apple (AAPL, Fortune 500), 150-employee tech firm Inflection uses a sticky guerrilla-marketing technique to attract the best candidates at college career fairs. It had staffers from elite schools hand out "Lucky 13" temporary tattoos -- built around the theme that it would hire 13 people in 2013. Result: The Redwood Shores, Calif., company got 1,500 applicants from schools like Stanford and MIT.

    ????2. Sort for cultural fit

    ????Architectural consulting firm Little in Charlotte often gets hundreds of aspirants for entry-level positions. To find people who will thrive in the "fun, open,?collaborative culture," Jeff Roman, national director of engineering, scours résumés for signs of community involvement and leadership roles in fraternities or on sports teams. Since presenting is part of life at the firm, he says, "you need to be able to talk to people."

    ????3. Look creatively at past results

    ????It's hard to evaluate young people who may not have any full-time work histories, so look for other signs they can get things done. Vernon Menard, COO of Choice Translating, a 10-person firm, has found that young hires who have done some freelancing -- and are used to getting paid only when they complete a project -- have been great fits for his virtual company. "Everyone on the team must be self-managing," he says.

    ????4. Up the ante

    ????One Midwestern company I know surprised a new hire with a $10,000 raise shortly before he relocated for a two- to three-year gig in a city that is not usually a big draw for young people. Since he was already getting a decent salary, that small gesture made a big impression -- and he started out eager to prove he was worth every penny the firm was paying him. My guess is he'll stay longer than three years.

    ????5. Provide a mentor

    ????This generation is hungry to advance. Your company will be more attractive to the best and the brightest if you offer them an adviser who can help them do that. Inflection provides every new hire with 12 months of mentorship from an appropriate staffer who had been hired at the firm the previous year. "People straight out of college want to learn as much as they can," says CEO Matthew Monahan. He should know: He is 29.

    ????Verne Harnish is the CEO of Gazelles Inc., an executive education firm.

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