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    Anne Fisher 2013年05月09日





    ??? 另一個常見的問題是員工聽到消息的時間會有早晚。有些員工會比其他人早一些聽到消息,只是因為其他人的領導尚未將消息告知下屬?!?/p>

    ????巴斯金是亞特蘭大傳播咨詢公司Tribe Inc.的CEO,為家得寶(Home Depot)、可口可樂(Coca-Cola)、塔吉特(Target)、保時捷(Porsche)北美和其他大公司服務。一家傳播公司建議改善企業溝通,似乎頗有為己謀利之嫌?;蛟S如此吧。但是,調查結果仍值得我們思考。Tribe啟動這個項目的起因是,巴斯金在與企業高管的會面中注意到,“他們經常告訴我,”——只與總部的人進行溝通。巴斯金說,很難接觸到那些不在辦公室工作的人們。



    ????If your business depends on an army of delivery drivers, cooks, and waitpersons, retail sales staffers, field technicians, or other employees who move around all day, here's something that may surprise you: Most of them wish you would talk to them more.

    ????So says a new survey of "non-desk" workers at U.S. companies with more than 1,000 employees. An 84% majority said they don't get enough information from top management, while 75% said their employers aren't telling them enough about changes in policies and goals. Almost the same number (74%) said "consistent" messages from senior management, although few and far between, are important to them.

    ????Two clues as to why these workers feel left in the dark: 83% are not on their companies' email systems -- although more than one-third (38%) say they would like to be -- so they're not getting the memo that way; and 73% say they rely instead on their immediate supervisors to keep them informed.

    ????"Counting on people's immediate bosses to keep them up-to-date sounds fine in theory, but it doesn't work," says Elizabeth Cogswell Baskin. "For one thing, some supervisors are better communicators than others, so important messages can get lost in translation.

    ????There's also a frequent problem with inconsistency in timing. Some employees get the word about big changes before others do, simply because some bosses haven't told their people yet."

    ????Baskin is CEO of Atlanta-based communication consulting firm Tribe Inc., which has worked with Home Depot (HD), Coca-Cola (KO), Target (TGT), Porsche of North America, and other big outfits. If it seems self-serving for a communications company to recommend (surprise!) better communication, well, maybe so. Still, the poll results are worth pondering. Tribe embarked on the project because Baskin noticed in meetings with corporate executives that "over and over again, they'd say to me, ''Just work with the people at headquarters. It's too hard to reach the people who are out in the field,'" Baskin says.

    ????"That creates a huge gap," she observes. "To customers, front-line employees are the face of the company. You can spend millions building a brand through advertising and marketing, but a few bad customer experiences are enough to blow it -- especially if they go viral."

    ????So how do you reach those legions of workers who want to hear more directly from the top? Since most (86%) of those surveyed spend time online at home, "you can leverage communication channels your employees already use, like Twitter," Baskin notes. "Company intranet sites are also a really effective tool." Among employees with access to an intranet site, the survey found, 43% say it helps them do their jobs better.

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