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    Eleanor Bloxham 2013年03月20日

    ????投資者是否會像阿奎拉主張的那樣,理解這些披露的價值?金融服務公司Global Analytics的股東及人力資源事務負責人馬克?阿波爾哈特說:“自愿并且主動披露人力資源標準對投資者非常有幫助?!泵绹バ咆熑沃行模↖CCR)高級項目總監大衛?希林對筆者表示,他認為這種信息對于股東非常重要。ICCR共有300名機構資產經理,旗下管理的資產約合1,000億美元?!皢T工需要得到公平的工資,以及一份能維持生計的基本生活工資,以滿足基本的開銷。有一些可自由支配的收入對員工同樣重要,這樣,他們也就不會一生病就陷入赤貧狀態?!比绻麊T工陷入這種壓力,就不可能快樂,也就不會有工作效率。




    ????Would investors appreciate such disclosures as Aguilar contends? "Voluntary disclosure of human capital metrics would be helpful to the investment community," says Mark Ubelhart, shareholder and human capital practices leader at Global Analytics. And David Schilling, senior program director at the ICCR, which represents 300 institutional asset managers with approximately $100 billion under management, told me he thinks this kind of information is very important to shareholders. "Workers need to receive a just wage -- and a sustainable living wage so they can meet more than basic expenses," he says. "Some discretionary income is important too so workers aren't just one illness away from poverty." Workers under such stress are unlikely to be happy or productive.

    ????While we can't expect nirvana from disclosure, we can expect that disclosure will raise awareness. Boards think about critical issues in a more focused way when they publicly disclose them. When boards and the C-suite pay attention to stakeholder satisfaction, companies are stronger, more sustainable, and resilient.

    ????Eleanor Bloxham is CEO of The Value Alliance and Corporate Governance Alliance(http://thevaluealliance.com), a board advisory firm.

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