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    英偉達首席執行官黃仁勛。圖片來源:GETTY IMAGES—TOM WILLIAMS

    黃仁勛(Jensen Huang)曾經榮獲丹尼連鎖餐廳(Denny’s)的“最佳洗碗工”稱號。

    他在最近接受斯坦福大學商學院(Stanford Graduate School of Business)的采訪時說:“我制定工作計劃,做事有條不紊,并負責餐前準備工作。我把那些盤子洗得干干凈凈?!?/p>





    黃仁勛1963年出生于中國臺灣,5歲時移居泰國,9歲時移居美國華盛頓州。據英偉達的博客文章稱,他在俄勒岡州波特蘭郊外讀高中,15歲時開始在丹尼連鎖餐廳工作,隨后在俄勒岡州立大學(Oregon State University)獲得了電子工程學位,并于1992年在斯坦福大學(Stanford University)獲得了該專業的碩士學位。

    黃仁勛不僅在丹尼連鎖餐廳找到了他的第一份工作,而且也是在這里,他和兩個朋友萌生了讓他成為億萬富翁的想法。據英偉達的博客文章稱,1993年,黃仁勛與克里斯·馬拉科夫斯基和柯蒂斯·普里姆[兩人都曾經在太陽計算機系統有限公司(Sun Microsystems)工作]在北加州丹尼連鎖餐廳“最受歡迎”的地點之一會面,討論“如何開發一款能夠在個人電腦上實現逼真3D圖形的芯片”。

    黃仁勛說:“克里斯和柯蒂斯稱有一天他們會離開[太陽計算機系統有限公司],但他們希望我去弄清楚他們離職后要追求怎樣的目標,并堅持要我和他們一起研究如何創辦一家公司?!钡捎趯θ绾蝿摌I知之甚少,黃仁勛決定去書店尋找有關創業的書籍,并找到了戈登·貝爾所著的《如何撰寫商業計劃書》(How to Write a Business Plan)一書。但問題是這本書長達450頁。


    當時,黃仁勛在美國加州圣克拉拉的一家銷售半導體和軟件的公司巨積(LSI Logic)擔任工程師。安華高科技(Avago Technologies)于2014年以66億美元收購了巨積。但黃仁勛在講述自己的職業生涯故事時,似乎略過了這一部分。


    根據英偉達的說法,在那個決定命運的夜晚,黃仁勛、馬拉科夫斯基和普里姆在丹尼連鎖餐廳“狼吞虎咽地吃完了伐木工大滿貫早餐(Lumberjack Slam)、火腿炒蛋三明治(Moons Over My Hammy)和超級鳥三明治(Super Bird),還喝了很多咖啡”,這是開發新技術的最佳燃料?,F在,在圣何塞東部的一家丹尼連鎖餐廳里,有一個專門為黃仁勛而設的分隔用餐區。




    雖然英偉達無疑一直在開發推動人工智能革命的技術,但直到大約一個月前,它一直相對低調。在今年2月中旬,其股價大漲46%,超過了亞馬遜(Amazon),市值增加了約5,600億美元。隨后,英偉達擊敗Alphabet,成為美國市值第三大的公司。但也有一些持懷疑態度的人認為,英偉達估值可能過高。阿波羅全球管理公司(Apollo Global Management)表示,英偉達虛報收益,正在形成“比20世紀90年代的科技泡沫更大”的人工智能泡沫。




    黃仁勛(Jensen Huang)曾經榮獲丹尼連鎖餐廳(Denny’s)的“最佳洗碗工”稱號。

    他在最近接受斯坦福大學商學院(Stanford Graduate School of Business)的采訪時說:“我制定工作計劃,做事有條不紊,并負責餐前準備工作。我把那些盤子洗得干干凈凈?!?/p>





    黃仁勛1963年出生于中國臺灣,5歲時移居泰國,9歲時移居美國華盛頓州。據英偉達的博客文章稱,他在俄勒岡州波特蘭郊外讀高中,15歲時開始在丹尼連鎖餐廳工作,隨后在俄勒岡州立大學(Oregon State University)獲得了電子工程學位,并于1992年在斯坦福大學(Stanford University)獲得了該專業的碩士學位。

    黃仁勛不僅在丹尼連鎖餐廳找到了他的第一份工作,而且也是在這里,他和兩個朋友萌生了讓他成為億萬富翁的想法。據英偉達的博客文章稱,1993年,黃仁勛與克里斯·馬拉科夫斯基和柯蒂斯·普里姆[兩人都曾經在太陽計算機系統有限公司(Sun Microsystems)工作]在北加州丹尼連鎖餐廳“最受歡迎”的地點之一會面,討論“如何開發一款能夠在個人電腦上實現逼真3D圖形的芯片”。

    黃仁勛說:“克里斯和柯蒂斯稱有一天他們會離開[太陽計算機系統有限公司],但他們希望我去弄清楚他們離職后要追求怎樣的目標,并堅持要我和他們一起研究如何創辦一家公司?!钡捎趯θ绾蝿摌I知之甚少,黃仁勛決定去書店尋找有關創業的書籍,并找到了戈登·貝爾所著的《如何撰寫商業計劃書》(How to Write a Business Plan)一書。但問題是這本書長達450頁。


    當時,黃仁勛在美國加州圣克拉拉的一家銷售半導體和軟件的公司巨積(LSI Logic)擔任工程師。安華高科技(Avago Technologies)于2014年以66億美元收購了巨積。但黃仁勛在講述自己的職業生涯故事時,似乎略過了這一部分。


    根據英偉達的說法,在那個決定命運的夜晚,黃仁勛、馬拉科夫斯基和普里姆在丹尼連鎖餐廳“狼吞虎咽地吃完了伐木工大滿貫早餐(Lumberjack Slam)、火腿炒蛋三明治(Moons Over My Hammy)和超級鳥三明治(Super Bird),還喝了很多咖啡”,這是開發新技術的最佳燃料?,F在,在圣何塞東部的一家丹尼連鎖餐廳里,有一個專門為黃仁勛而設的分隔用餐區。




    雖然英偉達無疑一直在開發推動人工智能革命的技術,但直到大約一個月前,它一直相對低調。在今年2月中旬,其股價大漲46%,超過了亞馬遜(Amazon),市值增加了約5,600億美元。隨后,英偉達擊敗Alphabet,成為美國市值第三大的公司。但也有一些持懷疑態度的人認為,英偉達估值可能過高。阿波羅全球管理公司(Apollo Global Management)表示,英偉達虛報收益,正在形成“比20世紀90年代的科技泡沫更大”的人工智能泡沫。




    Jensen Huang was once Denny’s “best dishwasher.”

    “I planned my work. I was organized. I was mise en place,” Huang said during a recent interview with Stanford Graduate School of Business. “I washed the living daylights out of those dishes.”

    Now he’s beating the living daylights out of the competition as president and CEO of Nvidia, the world’s premiere advanced chip manufacturer. He’s now worth nearly $82 billion, and the company he cofounded has a $2 trillion market cap.

    But Huang attributes his wild success in business to the work ethic he picked up during his time with Denny’s as a dishwasher, before he was “promoted” to busboy.

    “I never left the station empty-handed. I never came back empty-handed. I was very efficient,” Huang said. “Anyways, eventually I became a CEO. I’m still working on being a good CEO.”

    How Huang cofounded Nvidia

    Huang was born in Taiwan in 1963, moved to Thailand at age 5, and moved to Washington State in the U.S. when he was 9. He went to high school outside of Portland, Ore., where he started working for Denny’s at age 15, according to an Nvidia blog post. Huang then earned his electrical engineering degree from Oregon State University, then went on to get his master’s in the same subject from Stanford University in 1992.

    Not only did Huang land his first job at Denny’s—but it’s also the place where he and two of his friends cooked up the idea that would make him a billionaire. In 1993, Huang, along with Chris Malachowsky and Curtis Priem (who both worked at Sun Microsystems), met at what was one of Denny’s “most popular” locations in Northern California to discuss “creating a chip that would enable realistic 3D graphics on personal computers,” according to the Nvidia blog post.

    “Chris and Curtis said one day they’d like to leave [Sun Microsystems], and they’d like me to go figure out what they’re going to leave for,” Huang said. “They insisted I figure out with them how to build a company.” But with little runway on how to build a business, Huang said he resolved to visit a bookstore to find books on starting a business and found one titled How to Write a Business Plan by Gordon Bell. But the issue was the book was 450 pages long.

    “Well, I never got through it. And not even close,” Huang said. “I flipped through a few pages and I go, ‘You know what, by the time I’m done reading this thing, I’ll be out of business.” So with that, Huang took to a Denny’s booth with his two friends to brainstorm a business.

    At the time, Huang was working as an engineer with LSI Logic, a company in Santa Clara, Calif., that sold semiconductors and software. Avago Technologies acquired LSI Logic for $6.6 billion in 2014. But Huang kind of skips over that part when he’s telling his career story.

    “My first job before CEO was a dishwasher,” Huang said in the Stanford interview. “And I did that very well.”

    While at Denny’s that fateful night, Huang, Malachowsky, and Priem “polished off a Lumberjack Slam, Moons Over My Hammy, and a Super Bird sandwich—washed down with plenty of coffee,” according to Nvidia, the perfect fuel for masterminding a new technology. Now there’s a booth dedicated to Huang at an East San Jose Denny’s location.

    “The PC revolution was just getting going,” Huang said in the Stanford interview. “We thought, why don’t we build a company that solves problems that a normal computer that is powered by general purpose computing can’t. That became the company’s mission.” Some of the industries “opened up,” Huang said, as a result of Nvidia’s technology, include computational drug design, weather simulation, materials design, robotics, self-driving cars—and the big one: artificial intelligence.

    Nvidia’s technology “enabled a whole new way of developing software where the computer wrote the software itself—artificial intelligence as we know it today,” Huang said. “That was the journey.”

    Huang’s leadership advice

    While Nvidia has undoubtedly been developing the technology fueling the AI revolution, it had done so relatively quietly until just about a month ago. But in mid-February, its 46% stock surge pushed it past Amazon, adding about $560 billion in market value. Then Nvidia beat out Alphabet to become the third most valuable U.S. company. But there are some skeptics who think Nvidia may be overvalued. Apollo Global Management said that Nvidia’s inflated earnings are creating an AI bubble even “bigger than the 1990s tech bubble.”

    But even as successful as Nvidia becomes, Huang consistently reflects on his humble beginnings. He tries to maintain a very flat structure at his company and lends a helping hand where he can. He says (counter to conventional business wisdom) that a CEO should have the most direct reports; he has 50.

    “No task is beneath me,” he said. “I used to be a dishwasher. I used to clean toilets. I cleaned a lot of toilets. I’ve cleaned more toilets than all of you combined. And some of them you just can’t unsee.”



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