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    Kevin Kelleher 2011-06-09
    Groupon founder Andrew Mason?
    Groupon創始人安德魯?梅森(Andrew Mason)


    ????我寫這封信的初衷,是為了向您提供有關Groupon首日公開募股(IPO)的一些看法。這家團購網站初創企業發布的發售說明書里作為前言的那封喜氣洋洋、矯揉造作的“安德魯 D. 梅森公開信”里刪掉了這些觀點。

    ????你會感覺到,在律師接手梅森的這封信并揚棄其精華之前,它最初的版本要大膽得多。梅森在信中寫道:“生命苦短,我們不能打造一家無趣的公司”。然而,梅森的信本身就很無趣,并未在245頁的招股說明以外提供其他任何信息。梅森天真地大談公司理想,而歸結起來,不外乎 “客戶永遠是對的”這類陳詞濫調,毫無新意可言。






    ????這讓Groupon處于一種頗為危險的境地。目前,它的總負債為5.34億美元,僅比其總資產少700萬美元。有評論人士認為Groupon已經資不抵債,或許現在下此斷言還為時過早。但在通常情況下,準備上市的公司會使財務狀況和資產負債表處于相對健康的一個狀態。Groupon目前似乎急于進行IPO。這種態度減小了Groupon IPO的吸引力。



    ????Groupon的承銷商——摩根斯坦利(Morgan Stanley),高盛(Goldman Sachs)和瑞士信貸(Credit Suisse)——對此心知肚明。這些投行在發售說明書里披露了完整的情況,盡管是用小字印刷的。但他們或許應該更進一步,建議Groupon等到財務狀況好轉后再進行IPO。不過,這些投行也知道,投資者正失去理性。對它們來說,這是檢驗投資者是否理性,是否愿意向泡沫中投資的一次試驗。如果投資者參與Groupon的IPO,那么未來將會有更多類似的IPO出現。


    ????我猜他這么說是屬于天真。在他的信里有一種令人不安的、悲哀的語調,似乎他自己也沒弄明白,自己曾一心想要改變世界,如今卻淪為一家聲譽日隆的優惠券網站的代言人?!拔覄撧k了The Point(這是一家社會事業型的創業公司,梅森后來將其轉變成Groupon),賦予小人物以力量,以解決這個世界上尚未解決的一些問題,”他說道,似乎以為股東真會在意他的這番表白。




    ????Dear Potential Groupon Shareholder,

    ????I'm writing this letter to provide some insight into the Groupon IPO that was omitted from the cheery, twee "Letter from Andrew D. Mason" that prefaced the prospectus filed by the group-buying startup.

    ????You get the feeling that the original draft of Mason's letter was a lot bolder before the lawyers got to it sucked out most of its spirit. Mason wrote, "Life is too short to be a boring company." But this is boring letter, adding virtually nothing to the prospectus' 245 pages of legalese. Mason prattles on about company ideals that boil down to platitudes like "The customer's always right." This is hardly an innovative vision.

    ????Mason is a CEO skilled at managing growth. He built a company that saw revenue increase by a factor of 15 in the year through March. Groupon wasn't just a good idea at the right time, it was an idea exploited to full effect, in ways that will be studied by founders of other startups for years to come. Groupon's overseas expansion brought international sales from 0% of revenue in March 2010 to 53% of revenue in a year later.

    ????But it's starting to become clear that there are some more unsettling things inside the prospectus, things obscured by and even contradicted by the carefree tone of Mason's note.

    ????Mason wastes no time in blithely declaring, "we've made investments in growth that turned a healthy forecasted quarterly profit into a sizable loss." He's clearly channeling Google's (GOOG) founders, who included a saucy and epic "owner's manual" in the prospectus for its 2004 IPO. (Since then, Google's attitude toward Wall Street has grown decidedly less cocky.)

    ????But Groupon is no Google. Google went public with a 24% operating margin. Groupon is approaching the markets with an operating loss equal to 18% of revenue. And yet, Groupon's IPO could give the company a $30 billion value, higher than Google's when it went public.

    ????Groupon is losing money by choice. In early 2010, the company was profitable, then it embarked on its aggressive expansion to stay ahead of competitors. Hypergrowth is expensive. Thanks to sales and marketing costs, Groupon is spending money even faster than the insane pace that it has been bringing it in. This approach, not uncommon in startups, is risky: It works if all that spending keeps revenue growing over time. But there are already worrying signs that might not be the case; according to Groupon's own data, it's already seeing diminishing returns on its investments in established cities like Boston.

    ????This leaves Groupon in a fairly precarious financial position. Total liabilities are $534 million, only $7 million less than total assets. It may be premature to declare that Groupon is "effectively insolvent," as some commentators have, but companies hoping to go public normally wait until income statements and balance sheets are in a healthier state. There is something rushed about this IPO, as if the company is acting in desperation. Desperation is never the mark of an attractive IPO.

    ????Groupon is burning through cash so quickly that, without new financing, it will run dry come autumn. But again, the company chose to put itself in this position. The company raised $950 million in January, but 85 cents of every dollar went toward stock repurchases for Mason and other insiders. (In 2009, Groupon gave Mason a loan to buy some shares, which he repaid only in part.)

    ????And here is the biggest thing that should worry every potential investor. Groupon is dealing with you in bad faith. You'll have no voting rights, all voting power belongs to Mason and a few other insiders. And yet, you are expected to take on unnecessary risks -- risks that could easily have been avoided had insiders not decided to pay themselves hundreds of millions of dollars from venture financing.

    ????Groupon's underwriters -- Morgan Stanley (MS), Goldman Sachs (GS) and Credit Suisse (CS) -- understand this. They disclosed it all in the prospectus, albeit in fine print. They might have gone a step further and told Groupon to wait until it's finances were in better order. But they know investors are acting irrationally. For them, this IPO is an acid test to see how irrational investors are willing to be to cash in on the bubble. If you buy this stock, you are effectively voting for more IPOs as shoddy as this one.

    ????None of this is in Mason's letter. Instead there's all kind of odd language about selling out, bumpy rides and fire dancing. At one point, he declares, "Our customers and merchants are all we care about." Which of course is simply not true. As the rest of the prospectus shows, lining the founders' pockets is all Groupon cares about. That statement is either a testimony to Mason's colossal naivete or it is simply dishonest.

    ????My guess is that it's naiveté. There is an unsettling, plaintive tone to Mason's letter, as if he were trying to figure out how he went from trying to change the world to being the public face of a glorified coupon site. "I started The Point [the social cause startup that Mason later morphed into Groupon] to empower the little guy and solve the world's unsolvable problems," he says, as if shareholders would care.

    ????Instead, he was bulled by a cofounder into Groupon's much more modest aspiration: "To make today different enough from yesterday to justify getting out of bed." In the cheerless realm of life compromises, it doesn't get much bleaker than that. It almost sounds like Mason is chafing under the demands of Groupon, and he can't wait to get out and do something more meaningful.

    ????But when the CEO suggests in the stock prospectus that he wants out, it should make shareholders think hard about whether they want to get in.


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