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    專欄 - 人間煙火


    查大偉 2014年09月04日

    查大偉(David Chard)是一位領導力培養顧問,在亞太地區擁有30年的從業經驗。作為聯心管理顧問有限公司(EngagingMinds)的創始人,他全身心致力于通過領導力和領導策略實現個人和組織向敬業型轉變。他普通話流利,經常來往中國。他的聯系方式是:info@engagingminds.biz




    ????? “我只是提了一個很簡單的要求……他們就是無法交付我需要的東西?!?/p>

    ????? “每次我要什么東西,他們就說‘好的’,但是我還是不能在需要的時候得到需要的東西?!?/p>

    ????? “他們壓根就沒在聽……他們總是能弄出差錯……他們會什么?”






    ????? 具體

    ????? 可衡量

    ????? 可執行

    ????? 現實性

    ????? 時效性

    ????1. 盡量具體(Specific):確保你提出的要求明確細致地表達了你的期望。模糊不清是不能被接受的。如果你聽不明白別人提出的要求,就要繼續發問,一直到你徹底明白對方需要什么。在你向別人提要求的時候,要盡量明晰,直白地表達出你到底需要什么。你可以花十分鐘把你需要的東西白紙黑字地寫下來,這十分鐘會給你后來的工作省去很多麻煩。

    ????“You never get what you deserve; you only get what you negotiate.”

    ????Lester Karrass, Negotiation Expert

    ????How many times have you heard someone complaining about another team member saying things like this:

    ????? “I made such a simple request…and they couldn’t deliver what I needed.”

    ????? “Every time I ask for something, they say ‘yes’ but I still don’t get what I need, when I need it.”

    ????? “They just don’t seem to listen…there is always something they get wrong…don’t they know anything?”

    ????Or, perhaps, dear reader, you have found yourself saying something like the above when a team member’s performance is not what you expected?

    ????If you are honest, you can admit hearing things like this happen all the time…and sometimes it is your own performance that did not meet the standard and you end up feeling like a victim, yes?

    ????Why does this happen?Is it because people are stupid, lazy or incompetent. (If so I wonder how they got hired in the first place!) In 99% of cases, in my experience, the answer is “No.” The real problem is that both the person making the request and the person accepting it, are unskillful in making and accepting effective requests. It is not about ‘attitude’ it is about skill, and willingness to take the time to do what actually works.

    ????If you want to solve this problem forever, it is time to start applying the SMART standard each and every time a request is negotiated. That’s right: negotiated. Each request is a negotiation, using SMART standards, to ensure that it will be carried out successfully the first time. If you have forgotten what “SMART” stands for, here it is again:


    ????? SPECIFIC

    ????? MEASURABLE

    ????? ACTIONABLE

    ????? REALISTIC

    ????? TIME-BASED

    ????1. Be Specific:Make sure your request is completely explicit and clear about exactly what is expected. Vagueness cannot be accepted. If a request is not clear to you, keep pushing until you know, specifically, what is wanted. When you are making the request, be CLEAR and say exactly what you want. Spell it out in black and white. You might spend 10 minutes writing down exactly what you want. That 10-minute investment may save you a lot of trouble later on.

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