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    專欄 - 從華爾街到硅谷


    Dan Primack 2013年10月31日

    Dan Primack專注于報道交易和交易撮合者,從美國金融業到風險投資業均有涉及。此前,Dan是湯森路透(Thomson Reuters)的自由編輯,推出了peHUB.com和peHUB Wire郵件服務。作為一名新聞工作者,Dan還曾在美國馬薩諸塞州羅克斯伯里經營一份社區報紙。目前他居住在波士頓附近。

    ????本周二上午,位于舊金山的新興私密鄰里社交應用Nextdoor宣布獲得6000萬美元新融資。本輪融資由老虎環球基金(Tiger Global Management)和凱鵬華盈(Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers)這兩家著名的風投基金領銜。投資者之間競爭非常激烈,有消息人士向《財富》雜志(Fortune)透露,Nextdoor目前估值約為6億美元。

    ????投資方還包括康卡斯特風險投資(Comcast Ventures),原有投資者基準資本(Benchmark)、格雷洛克合伙公司(Greylock Partners)、夏斯塔創投(Shasta Ventures)繼續跟投。此前的另一家投資方谷歌風投(Google Ventures)本輪沒有跟投。原因在于谷歌風投本輪未能獲得足夠大的投資配額,而它又拒絕按比例分配股權。(有數家投資機構都在競爭領投者,但目前尚不清楚其中是否包括谷歌風投。)








    ????Nextdoor, a private social network for neighborhoods, this morning announced that it has raised $60 million in new VC funding, co-led by Tiger Global Management and Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers. The round was competitive, with sources telling Fortune that it values the San Francisco-based company at approximately $600 million.

    ????Comcast Ventures also participated, alongside existing shareholders Benchmark, Greylock Partners and Shasta Ventures. Prior backer Google Ventures did not participate -- passing up a small 'pro rata' after failing to secure a larger allocation (several insiders attempted to lead the new round, but it's unclear if GV was one of them).

    ????All of the new capital is considered "primary," meaning that none of it is being used to cash out company founders or early investors.

    ????The new round comes just eight months after Nextdoor raised $21 million, and CEO Nirav Tolia says that he hadn't planned to contact investors until early next year. "We had $30 million on the balance sheet and only were burning a million and a quarter million per month, so this wasn't a need-driven round," he explains. "But we had a fairly unprecedented level of incoming demand starting in the summer, and decided to take advantage of the opportunity to grow our balance sheet and bring in some great partners. Lee Fixel of Tiger is unbelievable when it comes to international expansion, and I can't think of anyone who's been a better company builder than [Kleiner Perkins partner] John Doerr, who was involved with Netscape and Amazon (AMZN) and Google (GOOG)."

    ????Neither Doerr nor Fixel will join the Nextdoor board, although Doerr will serve as a special advisor. Both of them echo Tolia's belief that Nextdoor could be the fourth major social network, after Facebook (FB), LinkedIn (LNKD) and Twitter (TWTR).

    ????"We were investors in both Facebook and LinkedIn, and I think there are a lot of similarities to the early days, particularly of LinkedIn," says Fixel, who never before has agreed to be interviewed about a Tiger investment. "They have an opportunity to do for local and neighborhood social life what LinkedIn did for professional life."

    ????Doerr adds: "I've talked a lot about SoLoMo, which stands for social/mobile/local. Nextdoor is all three."

    ????The product is designed for neighbors to interact on a variety of topics, from social events to the best local repairman. It also has partnered with certain municipal governments, including New York City, which have the ability to push public safety information into the private networks.

    ????Each neighborhood gets created by the first member who lives within a particular neighborhood, which the company defines as a geographic area with approximately 750 households (it ranges a bit, depending on rural vs. urban). So far, Nextdoor believes it has networks for one out of every seven American neighborhoods, and says that its reach has increased 400% over the past year.

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