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    Katherine Reynolds Lewis 2013年08月08日

    ????但今年1月,Kelton代表沃爾特-迪士尼(Walt Disney Co.)刊發的一項研究顯示,與孩子們一起度假的時間中高品質時間比例高達82%,而在家度過時間的比例僅為一半。而且,調查顯示,97%的父母表示,在度假時會和孩子們共同分擔一些新東西,54%的父母表示整個家庭關系更加融洽。






    ????But research published in January by Kelton on behalf of the Walt Disney Co. found that quality time increases to 82% of time spent with children on vacation, as compared with half of the time at home. Moreover, 97% of parents report sharing something new about themselves with their children while on vacation, and 54% say the whole family is more affectionate, according to the survey.

    ????My solution: a job chart for the kids and a firm intention to share the workload, so that the Lewis family can join those happy survey takers reporting more relaxation while on vacation. Remarkably, my children loved the idea and have already planned out the chores for the first two days. Hopefully my health will benefit enough by the vacation to withstand the days when they are planning the meals, which I'm sure will be pancakes, pizza, and nary a vegetable in sight.

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    ????Our brains and bodies need downtime every day, in the form of rest and sleep, so we can face the next day with fresh reserves of mental and physical energy. But we also need periodic breaks longer than a weekend to recover from day-to-day stress and restore ourselves to optimal function. Just catching up on sleep makes a big difference.

    ????As I've been reporting this story, and the hours tick down to the time when we depart, I've felt my stress level grow. That's probably as good an indication as any that it's time to send it to my editor and head for the hills.

    Editor's note: Katherine reviewed edits to this story on her second day of vacation, but promised to completely unplug after that.

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