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    Katherine Reynolds Lewis 2013年03月25日



    ????讓我們看看前雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers)首席財務官艾琳?卡蘭全身心撲在工作上所付出的代價:她的婚姻結束了。雷曼倒閉時,她感覺自己整個人也消失了?!白畛跷也]有將全部投身工作作為自己的目標。這是日積月累形成的,”最近她在《紐約時報》(New York Times)的一篇文章中這樣寫道?!皞€人空間的界線逐漸消失,一直到最后只剩下了工作?!?/p>




    ????Sandberg's message has been subject to criticism. Workplace experts fear that glossing over the real tensions and difficulties of balancing work and family life lets employers off the hook.

    ????"Part of the answer is people taking ownership, but let's not lower the bar too far," says Jessica DeGroot, founder of ThirdPath, a nonprofit that supports men and women with their career paths. "Without more courageous people standing up, corporate America often asks too much of employees, and it's hurting marriages and families."

    ????Just look at the price that former Lehman Brothers CFO Erin Callan paid for giving her all to the job: Her marriage ended, and when Lehman collapsed she felt her entire identity was gone. "I didn't start out with the goal of devoting all of myself to my job. It crept in over time," she wrote in a recent New York Times essay. "My boundaries slipped away until work was all that was left."

    ????Others note that the work-life debate often overlooks the challenges of working class families, which have even more limited choices -- if any. "There are millions of women who work just as hard as Sandberg, but who are barely scraping by on wages that amount to less than $15,000 a year," says Linda Meric, national executive director of 9to5, a nonprofit that advocates for low-wage earner women. "For those working full-time at low-wage jobs, 'leaning in' and other personal decisions and choices does not provide a path out of poverty. We need labor standards that provide a stable floor for all workers and families."

    ????Yost says it's up to individuals to make the leap from work-life inspiration to implementation. Sandberg also sees the importance of learning new workplace skills, whether that's negotiation or time management, according to Lean In documents published in the New York Times.

    ????"There is inspiration everywhere. It's not enough," Yost says. "With technology and globalization and demographic shifts, the old boundaries are gone, and something has to take its place. We are going to have to step into that breach. This is about men, women, young people, entrepreneurs, older workers. This is not about parents and not about women. This is about every single one of us."

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