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    Luncida Shen 2017-05-24




    1. 菲爾茨小時候想成為一名宇航員,1989年加入福特,曾在世界各地任職。但據《華爾街日報》報道,2006年,福特前任CEO艾倫·穆拉利加入公司時,沒有人想到菲爾茨會繼續擔任公司北美業務負責人。為什么?原因之一是,當年福特虧損126億美元,但菲爾茨依舊乘坐公司的公務機回家。


    2. 雖然菲爾茨的薪酬在2016年大幅上漲約19%,達到2,210萬美元,但福特公司的股價卻在同期下跌了近14%。在股東眼中,公司的價值在不斷縮水。自菲爾茨2014年年中擔任CEO以來,福特股價下跌了36%。



    3. 在菲爾茨的領導下,福特開始將特斯拉和自動駕駛汽車作為競爭對手,投入大量資金開發電動汽車和自動駕駛汽車。這些投入是導致公司股價持續低迷的原因之一。菲爾茨在幾個月前曾警告稱,受到這些投入的拖累,公司利潤將會下降,直到2018年才能開始反彈。菲爾茨的繼任者、62歲的吉姆·哈克特此前在福特負責的部門,從事無人駕駛技術的開發。(財富中文網)


    The 56-year-old CEO of Ford Motor Company, Mark Fields, has lost his job as the company's head honcho after spending some 28 years with the automaker.

    That comes as Ford has issued a number of recalls this year, and is said to be planning significant cuts to its workforce. Meanwhile, shareholders have been gradually losing faith in the company's future. Ford's market capitalization is now about $43.6 billion—$7 billion lower than that of Tesla (tsla, -0.15%), an electric carmaker that is only intermittently profitable.

    Here are three things to know about Fields:

    1. Fields, who wanted to be an astronaut early on in life, has been with the company since 1989, working in various locations around the world. But when the previous Ford CEO, Alan Mulally, joined in 2006, Fields was not expected to stay on as the company's head of North America operations, the Wall Street Journal reported. Why? For one thing, it didn't help that Fields was using the company's corporate jet to fly home even as Ford was losing $12.6 billion that year.

    But when that fact came to light, Fields gave up the travel option. And he was soon working closely—and working well—with Mulally. Under Fields' guidance, the North American operations soon became Ford's "profit engine," the Journal wrote. Fields was named Ford COO in 2012 and CEO in 2014.

    2. Though Fields' pay jumped roughly 19% to $22.1 million in 2016, Ford shares had fallen nearly 14% in the same period. The company's value has continued to erode in shareholder's eyes. Since Fields took on the role of CEO in mid-2014, shares of Ford have dropped 36%.

    "We don't manage our company on day-to-day stock price movements, but we are absolutely committed to creating shareholder value," Fields told Fortune in April, after the market cap of electric carmaker Tesla first rose above Ford's.

    Considering that Ford (f, +1.84%) is moving to another CEO, shareholders don't seem to think Fields has fulfilled that commitment.

    3. Under Fields, Ford began taking on Tesla and autonomous vehicles, spending funds to developing electric and self-driving cars. It is partly due to those investments that the carmaker's stock has remained low. The CEO warned a few months ago that company profits would sag due to that spending, and wouldn't rebound until 2018. Fields' replacement, 62-year-old Jim Hackett, heads a division of Ford that develops driverless technology.

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