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    財富中文網 2016年12月21日




    1. 強力球(Powerball,美國彩票)

    2. 普林斯(Prince,今年逝世的美國音樂家)

    3. 颶風馬修( Hurricane Matthew)

    4. 口袋妖怪Go(. Pokémon Go,熱門手游)

    5. 貪吃蛇大戰(Slither.io,熱門手游)

    6. 奧林匹克(Olympics)

    7. 大衛·鮑伊(David Bowie,搖滾明星)

    8. 特朗普(Trump)

    9. 大選(Election)

    10. 希拉里·克林頓(Hillary Clinton)(財富中文網)



    Many of the phrases, unsurprisingly, reflect national events, news topics and other phenomena that rose to prominence throughout the year. The top trending search term is “Powerball,” which is in reference to the $1.56 billion jackpot that three ticket holders won in early 2016. “Price,” “Hurricane Matthew,” “Pokémon Go,” and “Slither.io” claimed the rest of the top five, while “Trump” and “Hillary Clinton” rounded out the end of the list.

    Last year, the number one trending search term was “Lamar Odom,” the former NBA and reality TV star who was found unconscious in a Nevada brothel last October. Jurassic World and American Sniper also placed high on Google’s rankings from 2015.

    The term “trending” means that these words and phrases held the highest spike in traffic over a sustained period of time in 2016 as compared to 2015. See below to check out the full list of search queries that made it into Google’s googl top 10 trending list.

    1. Powerball

    2. Prince

    3. Hurricane Matthew

    4. Pokémon Go

    5. Slither.io

    6. Olympics

    7. David Bowie

    8. Trump

    9. Election

    10. Hillary Clinton

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