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    David Z.Morris 2016年12月07日




    不過這項行為本身就是有意義的。還記得Klout嗎?Hype Machine呢? Instapaper呢?我還記得,不過印象很模糊,因為多年前我曾經用過它們。不過在短暫的嘗鮮之后,我的郵箱地址,可能還有更多信息,都留在了那些公司的數據庫里。還有郵件服務——噢,無止境的,讓人尷尬的郵件服務,那都是當時我為了拿到有關Twitter禮儀的20多頁的電子書而注冊的。


    當然,有些用戶可能想要選擇更徹底的方案——和Facebook、Twitter、Linkedin、Instagram、Tumblr、Pinterest和Soundcloud說再見。如果這樣,你的意志力比我更強,不過最后你可能會更加開心的。 (財富中文網)


    Between election bile, fake news, and just plain exhaustion, we may be entering a down cycle for social media. If you’re interested in downsizing your online footprint, a tool called Deseat.me could be a huge help – though it’s not quite a one-shot “unplug me” app.

    It works best (and maybe only) if you use Gmail as your primary email account. Log in to Deseat.me through Google, and the service will do a deep dive into your records and pull up every social media site, mailing list, and online store you’ve ever signed up for. You can quickly tag the services you’d like to delete or unsubscribe from.

    For a portion of them, Deseat.me will offer you direct links to the service’s unsubscribe page, though that functionality seems limited at this point.

    But the exercise alone is edifying. Do you remember Klout? How about Hype Machine? Instapaper? I do, vaguely, because I used them all, once, years ago. But ever since those brief dalliances, my email address, and maybe more, have remained in those company’s databases. Then there are the mailing lists—oh, the endless, vaguely embarrassing mailing lists that I signed up for in exchange for some 20-page ebook on Twitter etiquette.

    Now I can scrub them all. Which I probably should have done a long time ago.

    But of course, some users may be looking for the real nuclear option—goodbye Facebook, goodbye Twitter, goodbye Linkedin and Instagram and Tumblr and Pinterest and Soundcloud. If so, you’re a stronger person than me, but you’ll probably end up happier for it.

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