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    Zack Whittaker 2014年12月11日








    ????現在的一個問題是,歐盟委員會是否有足夠的證據支持其從尋求和解轉向違法處罰程序?英國倫敦大學學院國際法學院(University College London’s Institute of Global Law)主任弗洛里安?瓦格納-馮?帕普對《財富》(Fortune)表示,他希望歐盟“要么行動,要么閉嘴”。反壟斷機構要么控告谷歌藐視歐盟反壟斷法,要么就干脆放棄此案。否則就是無休止的和解談判,谷歌的支持者和反對者繼續向對方潑“政治臟水”。


    ????Europe’s elected elite want to break up Google. The technology giant, known for its web search engine but offering many other products and services, can too easily promote its own wares, they say. Yet leading experts and academics say it’s not going to happen, calling it a nuclear option that would have made more sense in larger, prior corporate scandals.

    ????The European Parliament in late October called on Internet companies operating in the region to “unbundle” its search engines from its other commercial properties. Although no companies were named, the motion was aimed squarely at Google GOOG -2.24% , the leading search engine by a long shot in Europe with an estimated 90 percent market share.

    ????The non-binding resolution had no legal weight, but sent the strongest signal yet to the European Commission to take action after almost four-years worth of unsuccessful negotiations to settle an ongoing antitrust probe into the company’s business practices. The company has been accused of anti-competitiveness including claims it deliberate buried search results of rival sites and services. The recent motion sought to “prevent any abuse in the marketing of interlinked services by operators of search engines.”

    ????Newly-elected EU competition commissioner MargretheVestagersaid in November that she would “need some time” to review the case, which has been kept open by her predecessor JoaquínAlmunia, and talk to complainants before moving forward.

    ????So now what? There are several paths forward, experts say.

    ????“What’s most likely to happen, and what will hopefully happen, is a continuation of the resolution for which Almunia set the framework before he left office,” says David Balto, a former U.S. Justice Department antitrust lawyer.

    ????Politics and pressure behind the scenes from Google’s competitors—including Microsoft MSFT -0.86% —have dragged the case out “to draw as much blood as possible,” Balto argues. Shortly after the parliament’s vote, one unnamed senior EU official told Reuters that the 28-member state bloc had been used as a “battleground” by American companies. After three rounds of settlement negotiations, Balto says Google’s efforts to address the matter have resulted in better competition in the region.

    ????One question is whether the Commission has enough evidence to support moving from seeking a settlement to conducting an infringement procedure. Florian Wagner-von Papp, director of the University College London’s Institute of Global Law, tells Fortune that he wishes the EC would “put up or shut up.” Antitrust officials should either charge the search giant with flouting European antitrust law, he says, or drop the case altogether. The alternative? More settlement negotiations and “political mud-slinging” by Google’s supporters and opponents.

    ????By charging Google with antitrust offenses, the Commission can take any measures it deems necessary to end that infringement. Could that really include a break-up of Google? In theory, yes—the European Commission’s antitrust division has the right to force a company operating in the region to restructure. But Wagner-von Papp is willing to make a big bet that it won’t happen. “The Commission has to date never imposed a structural remedy in an infringement decision,” he says.

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