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    Michal Lev-Ram 2014年11月20日


    ????本著這一目的,程守宗上周末在舊金山登臺宣布了幾項重大事務,包括與三星電子集團(Samsung Electronics)剛剛簽署的一項合作。根據這項協議,三星和黑莓均將開售對方的移動安全產品。(一個可信的跡象是,程守宗還當眾開起玩笑稱,他妻子現在仍然在用一款三星Galaxy手機。)另外黑莓還推出了升級版黑莓企業服務器(BlackBerry Enterprise),從而使用戶可以更加便捷地管理黑莓產品以及其他廠家的設備。





    ????我們研發團隊的指導方針是,大家都要專注以下四大支柱:安全性、隱私性、效率和協作。我們同時關注這幾點。比如我們剛剛在BBM【即黑莓通訊(BlackBerry Messenger)】上推出了定時消息功能,也有人叫它“閱后即焚”功能。我們允許人們收回發出的信息,而不是簡單地撤銷。整個設計中心非常關注安全性、隱私性、效率和協作。我們并不打算在所有層面都要競爭一下。



    ????It’s been about one year since John Chen, CEO of BlackBerry, took the top job at the struggling phonemaker. Since then, he has embarked on a campaign to bring the company back to its roots and spark new innovations and partnerships where he feels necessary—in short, to make BlackBerry relevant to business users again.

    ????To that end, this week in San Francisco Chen took the stage to make a number of announcements, including a recently-inked agreement with smartphone maker Samsung Electronics. According to the deal, both companies will sell each other’s mobile security products. (A true sign of the times: Chen joked with the audience about the fact his wife still uses a Samsung Galaxy phone.) The company also announced an updated BlackBerry Enterprise server, which will allow customers to more easily manage BlackBerries and devices made by other manufacturers.

    ????Under Chen’s direction, BlackBerry’s losses are improving, but the company is still bleeding money and there is still plenty of cause for concern about its long-term prospects. Ahead of his announcements in San Francisco, Fortune caught up with Chen to hear more about his strategy—and Kim Kardashian.

    ????Fortune: What does returning to BlackBerry’s roots mean to you today?

    ????Chen: The overall returning to the roots is much beyond the device. The Classic [an upcoming BlackBerry device that will bring back its traditional trackpad] is an important part but it’s not the only part. Very early in my career here I talked about re-pivoting back to the enterprise. It implies not only the devices but also the enterprise using our software and server as the backbone. When BlackBerry was doing well almost everyone was running on BlackBerry enterprise server. When we lost our focus we lost quite a bit of traction and accounts. But the reason I went back to the Classic is that a tremendous number of customers want it.

    ????In light of that “return to roots,” how do you view innovation at BlackBerry? What role does it play today?

    ????The guiding principle of our development teams is that everybody is focused on the following pillars: security, privacy, productivity, and collaboration. We focus on all of those. For example, on BBM [BlackBerry Messenger] we just released the timed message feature—people call it the “Snapchat feature.” We allow people to retract messages, not just to recall them. The whole design center is really focused on security, privacy, productivity and collaboration. We’re not trying to compete on everything.

    ????Winning back developers is another aspect of returning to BlackBerry’s roots. How are you feeling about status with developer ecosystem?

    ????There are only a handful of apps, like Facebook, that we build native. We are relying on our relationship with Amazon for the others. Everything that appears on Amazon’s app store you can run on BB10 [the latest version of BlackBerry’s operating system]. In doing so we free up our enterprise developer community to focus on developer platforms. On that front the re-pivoting is only six to nine months old since I came in. We have some good traction but still a lot of work to be done.

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