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    John Kell 2014年07月28日



    ????艾維烈酒有限責任公司(Avion Spirits LLC)擁有一個相當年輕,但增勢迅猛的龍舌蘭酒品牌。該公司上周五同意將其“大多數股權”賣給保樂力加集團(PernodRicard),交易值據說近1億美元。這份協議可能會進一步推動酒吧和酒柜市場的高價龍舌蘭酒銷量。

    ????“龍舌蘭酒正處于其生命周期的第二局,艾維面臨驚人的全球機遇,”艾維公司創始人兼董事長肯?奧斯汀在接受《財富》雜志(Fortune)采訪時這樣說道。 “我們將與保樂力加集團一起抓住這個機遇,因為他們擁有強大的實力?!?/p>

    ????奧斯汀的“啊哈”時刻并不完全是一個隨機事件。作為馬奎斯飛機公司(Marquis Jet)總裁,他與巴菲特旗下的NetJets航空公司(NetJets Aviation Inc.)存在合作關系。所以,奧斯汀早已熟識這位“奧馬哈先知”。





    ????Avion sells majority stake to French beverage giant Pernod Ricard

    ????How did a casual conversation about tequila with Warren Buffett at a poker tournament inspire an entrepreneur to build a multi-million-dollar business? Thankfully what happens in Las Vegas doesn’t always stay there.

    ????Avion Spirits LLC, owner of a fairly young but rapidly growing tequila brand, agreed Friday to sell a“significant majority stake” to Pernod Ricard in a deal that could further propel the premium priced tequila in bars and liquor cabinets. The deal is reportedly valued at almost $100 million.

    ????“Tequila is in the second inning of its lifecycle, and the global opportunities for Avion are monstrous,” said Ken Austin, Avion’s founder and chairman, in an interview with Fortune. “We are going to be positioned with Pernod Ricard to take advantage of that because of the muscle that they have.”

    ????Austin’s “Aha” moment wasn’t a completely random occurrence. As president of Marquis Jet, a company that works with Buffett’s NetJets Aviation Inc., Austin already knew the Oracle of Omaha.

    ????They were at an annual poker tournament several years ago when Buffett reportedly took note of Austin’s tequila order and struck up a conversation about the Mexican-produced spirit. In that conversation, Austin pointed out it was interesting that no clear player challenged market leader Patron among premium tequilas.

    ????“Warren said, ‘That’s really interesting that no other player could break through,’” Austin said, relaying the conversation. “That was the moment that I had the epiphany.”

    ????Following that conversation, Austin jetted off to Mexico and sought to develop a premium tequila brand. He worked with family that has grown agave, used to produce all tequilas, for five generations.

    ????“I didn’t want an off-the-shelf tequila, I had a vision for how it was going to taste,” Austin said.

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