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    Ryan Bradley 2013-10-23

    ????直到過去十年,菲爾森還一直是個行動比較緩慢的企業。它在1914年就推出了旗下最暢銷的巡航夾克。但直到上世紀50年代才推出了鞋類,180年代才推出了包類產品,而這些基本就是它的全部看家寶貝了,而情況一直到2005年才有所改觀。在柯克到任之前,這家公司的首席執行官是道格?威廉姆斯,他是拉夫勞倫公司(Polo Ralph Lauren)的前任高管。2005年,洛杉磯的Brentwood Associates私募基金公司收購了菲爾森公司,作出了這項任命。這真是一種奇怪的組合方式,用《財富》雜志(Fortune)的話來說就是“這就好比凱迪拉克(Cadillac)的高管去掌管約翰?迪爾公司(John Deere,美國著名農業機械企業——譯注)一樣?!比ツ?,這家公司推出了一系列女性服裝,還開始進行多方合作,一方面和李維斯(Levi’s)合作,另一方面和一家日本設計公司合作。




    ????Until the last decade, Filson was a very slow-moving company indeed. It introduced its best selling cruiser jacket in 1914. Footwear came in the 1950s, bags in the 1980s, and that was pretty much it, until 2005. Before Kirk, Doug Williams, a former Polo Ralph Lauren executive, was the CEO. This was after a private-equity firm based in Los Angeles named Brentwood Associates bought Filson in 2005. It was an odd coupling, "a little like finding out that John Deere was being taken over by a Cadillac executive," as Fortune described it. The company launched a line of women's wear last year and embarked on a few collaborations, one with Levi's, and another with a Japanese designer.

    ????Kirk is ending those collaborations. "The approach we're taking is: It's less about design. It's really about product development." When I asked him what he meant by this, and brought up the idea form following function, he said, "Yes, yes that's it exactly," and began describing plans to build "pyramids around each of these iconic items. Take the briefcase -- we're adding a style with ballistic nylon, and an improved Swiss zipper -- Riri, the Porsche of zippers, really -- they tumble every tooth so it zips smooth as butter. When when we think of Filson in the outdoor and hunting and fishing world, we see similarities to Hermes. They're 150 years old, started as a saddle maker, they make products in the same facilities, in just a few colors, with a few patterns. The Birkin bag is still a Birkin bag. And it's repairable for life. It's an heirloom." Filson bags are also repairable for life, all one needs to do is send it back to Filson, and 70% of the company's product is made in a factory in Seattle; but Filson's bags are about 1/35 the cost of a Birkin (which range considerably but average about $7,000, compared to a $200 Filson), and there is not a six-year waiting list for one.

    ????The biggest change to Filson under its new CEO is the introduction of "The Seattle Fit," a slimmer, more urban cut of clothing for the more urban set. The traditional cut is now known as "The Alaska Fit." Kirk's greatest concern with all change is the possibility of alienating that loyal customer. "We feel as if we've opened the funnel to both without upsetting either," he says. The names of the two categories are a clever nod to the company's history, and tellingly favor one group more than the other. After all, in the beginning, real men ventured into the North seeking fortune, while C.C. Filson stayed back in the city and made his own. Now the company he built has figured a way to serve both customers.

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