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    Chanelle Bessette 2013-10-08




    ????杰克?多西的Square讀卡器顛覆了小型企業的運作模式。人們在安卓(Android)、iPhone或iPad內植入這種小型設備之后,就可以使用信用卡或借記卡,不再需要現金。資金可以直接打入商戶的賬戶內。Square有兩種收費方案供選擇:包月275美元,或者每次刷卡費用的2.75%。Square Wallet讓消費者在支持Square Register的店內消費活動變得非常簡單。人們只需下載應用,定位確認所在的店家,然偶在收銀臺說出自己的名字,就能付款了。


    ????CEO: Jack Dorsey

    ????40 Under 40 rank: 2

    ????Jack Dorsey's Square Reader has revolutionized the way small businesses operate. By plugging the small device into any Android, iPhone, or iPad, the user can run credit and debit cards instead of requiring cash. The funds deposit directly into the businessperson's bank account. Square has two pricing plans for its product: It either takes $275 per month or 2.75% per swipe. For customers, the Square Wallet makes purchasing easy when they visit businesses that use Square Register. They simply download the app, check in to the place they're patronizing, and say their name at checkout to pay.

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