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    Anne Fisher 2013-06-24

    ????“人們理所當然地認為藝術和科學互不兼容;同樣地,人們也會認為商業和快樂互不兼容,”簡?巴工商業蒂斯特?達內特在《商業的魅力:保持距離的硬藝術》(Business is Beautiful: The Hard Art of Standing Apart)一書中寫道?!岸邽楹尾荒芗嫒??”

    ????達內特是總部位于巴黎的全球設計和品牌咨詢公司卓更品牌咨詢(Dragon Rouge)的首席執行官。在這本新書中,達內特和他的團隊從全世界挑選了20家企業。它們都不是卓更的客戶,而它們的創新型產品和服務不但實現盈利,而且有益于人類和地球。它們及其他類似企業“讓我們想把商業變成我們生活的一部分”,達內特寫道。今天我們就帶您看看達內特挑選的其中五家企業。

    ????"It's tempting to think of business and pleasure as incompatible, just as it seems logical to think of art and science as antagonistic," writes Jean-Baptiste Danet in Business is Beautiful: The Hard Art of Standing Apart. "Why not a bit of both?"

    ????Danet is CEO of global design and branding firm Dragon Rouge, headquartered in Paris. For their new book, Danet and his team identified 20 companies from around the world (none are Dragon Rouge clients) whose innovative products and services are not only profitable but also good for people and the planet. They, and other enterprises like them, "make us want business to be part of our lives," Danet writes. Here's a look at five of Danet's picks.

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