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    《財富》雜志 2013-06-13







    ????Tonic for Health通過運用iPad和簡便易用的應用程序,正在改變患者數據收集和分析的方式。我相信這些正在對改善醫療服務產生真正的影響(這也是我為什么投資它的原因)。



    ????Fortune's Brainstorm Tech Conference (July 22-24 in Aspen, Colo.) regularly brings together the best and brightest minds in tech and innovation. Each week, Fortune will turn the spotlight on a different conference attendee to offer entrepreneurial insight. We asked YouSendIt CEO Brad Garlinghouse to answer 10 questions about leadership, education, success, and industry advice for young entrepreneurs. His responses follow.

    ????Fortune: What is the best advice you ever received?

    ????Garlinghouse:My dad told me, "Take the professor, not the class," meaning a great teacher will make even the most obscure subject relevant. In business no matter how smart a product or service may seem, you must have great people running the company to make it a success.

    ????What would you say to a group of young people looking to enter the tough job market?

    ????Go with growth. Think about which industries will be thriving in 10 years time, and become part of one. It's much better to start with a low-paid job in a space that's going somewhere than to land a well-paid job in a field without a future.

    ????Name one startup that is currently doing something really interesting.

    ????Tonic for Health is changing how medical patient data is collected and analyzed using iPads and user-friendly apps. I love how it's having a real impact in improving health care and the treatment of patients (which is why I'm an investor).

    ????What was the most important thing you learned in school?

    ????School gave me a real love of learning that I still possess. I think being curious about new things and interested in new people is an important trait in business. It ensures you're always open to fresh ideas and are willing to challenge your existing beliefs.

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