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    SCOTT CENDROWSKI 2012-12-25



    ????蘋果電視機短期內不會上市。米賽克不是唯一一個預測失誤的人——在競猜蘋果(新品)的過程中,人人都失過手。比方說,《紐約時報》(New York Times)就曾報道稱,蘋果將于2012年年末宣布推出電視機產品。但是,做出最明確預期的還是米塞克。他說,他獲悉日本制造商夏普(Sharp)已經受邀開始制造蘋果電視機屏幕。米塞克最近調整了他的預期,預計蘋果電視機將在2013年9、10月份推出。讓我們一起期待吧。

    Apple TV's arrival

    ????Apple's fanboys spread product rumors faster than the speed of light, so Jefferies analyst Peter Misek must have known his 2011 notes predicting an Apple television launch in mid-2012 would send Apple fans into states of rapture. Bummer, then, that he turned out to be way too early.

    ????Apple TV isn't hitting shelves anytime soon. Misek isn't the only one at fault -- everyone got caught up in the Apple guessing game. The New York Times, for instance, reported that Apple was set to announce a TV set by late 2012. But it was Misek who made some of the most specific forecasts. He said he had knowledge of Japanese manufacturer Sharp being asked to produce Apple TV screens. Misek recently revised his outlook, and now expects Apple TV to launch in September or October of 2013. We'll see.

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