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    Miguel Helft 2012-10-25


    ????“谷歌核心業務的基礎依然十分牢固,”麥格理證券公司(Macquarie Securities)的分析師本?沙克特在收益報告發布后為投資者撰文時寫道。沙克特還提到,除去摩托羅拉(Motorola)這個加入谷歌不到一年的新成員,谷歌的收益已經上升至23.7%。他認為:“這個數據很適合用來估量核心業務的表現,而且看起來收益還是不錯的?!?/p>




    ????The weaker-than-expected financial report suggests that we are in the midst of Page's "disruption" phase. But there is reason to believe Page is right about Google's long-term prospects. And even now, things are not exactly dire. For one, Google said that mobile revenue is coming in at a rate of $8 billion a year, and that the "vast majority" of that is from ads. Compare that to the $2.5 billion in mobile ad revenue a year ago, and you could conclude that the transition to mobile is going fairly well for Google. What's more, if you discount the negative impact from weakening currencies overseas, Google's overall revenue would have been significantly higher.

    ????"The top-line fundamentals for Google's core business are solid," Ben Schachter, an analyst with Macquarie Securities, wrote in a note to investors following the earnings report. Noting that Google's revenue, excluding Motorola which was not part of the company a year, was up 23.7%, Schachter added: "This is the proper measure of the core business and it is fine."

    ????And consider this: Even after the shocking $60 drop Thursday, Google's share price is up about 20% over the past three months, better than Amazon (up 13%), Apple (AAPL) (up 4%), Microsoft (down 3%) or Facebook (FB) (down 35%). (If you go back a year, Apple's stock significantly outperformed Google's.)

    ????After listening to the earnings call, one more thing struck me. As the year opened, the threat to Google appeared to come largely from Facebook and social. So it's no surprise that Google+ received 18 mentions in the earnings call for the first quarter, and 26 mentions in the following quarter. This time? Just two mentions. In Silicon Valley, things change very fast indeed.

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