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    Anne VanderMey 2012-10-17

    ????當然還有很多事情要做。世界銀行的數據顯示,盡管新興市場中約三分之一的小生意由女性經營,但女性經營的生意在企業供應鏈中僅占1%。生命之聲全球伙伴組織(Vital Voices Global Partnership)首席執行官兼總裁愛麗斯?納爾遜表示,重點關注這一差距是“極有戰略性的”發展方式。納爾遜和希拉里?克林頓一起創建了生命之聲組織,致力于在全世界各地資助女性經營的企業?!拔覀冞@么做是因為這很明智。這一點極端重要,”她說?!斑@種方式改變了女性的價值?!?/span>

    ????There's certainly a lot to do. Even though roughly one third of small businesses in emerging markets are run by women, according to World Bank data, women run only 1% of the businesses in corporate supply chains. Focusing on that gap is an "extremely strategic" approach to development, says Alyse Nelson, who is CEO and president of Vital Voices Global Partnership. Nelson founded Vital Voices with Hillary Clinton, and has worked to prop up women-run businesses around the world. "This is extremely important: We're doing this because it's smart," she says. "That approach changes the value of women."

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