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    Kevin Kelleher 2012-09-26





    ????According to a recent report from eMarketer, both Facebook and Google will see display-ad revenue grow this year, although Google will grow faster to 15.4% of the display-ad market from 13.5% last year. Facebook will grow to 14.4% of the market from 14.1% last year. By 2014, eMarketer estimates, Google will control 21.2% of the market and Facebook 15.5%.

    ????But efforts like Facebook Exchange and the mobile ad network the company began testing last week could give Facebook a bigger piece of the pie. And now it's getting serious about search ads as well. Taken together, these initiatives help support the Facebook bulls who say the stock is attractively priced right now. But turning its stock price around will mean moving deeper into Google's home turf.

    ????So the Google-Facebook rivalry isn't going away. As Facebook puts its not-so-stellar year behind it -- its bruising IPO with it -- the most interesting story in the Valley may be this renewed rivalry.

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