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    ALEX TAYLOR III 2012-02-06


    ????最近兩款新跑車斯巴魯(Subaru)BRZ和Scion FR-S(上圖)的面世,讓所有車迷都稍感心跳加速。這兩款車實質上一模一樣,它們都是由斯巴魯和豐田(Toyota)的子公司Scion聯合研發的,采用的全新后驅底盤以及發動機來自斯巴魯,設計和其他部分則由豐田(Toyota)完成。兩公司強強聯合的成果就好比當年綠箭口香糖曾打出的廣告:“快樂加倍,樂趣加倍”。

    ????這兩款新車的問世具有重要意義:低價跑車近年來一直呈供應不足的狀態。這類車以年輕人為目標市場,但年輕人手頭并不寬裕,跑車的保險成本又很高,而且跑車的上架時間很短,容易迅速過氣。跑車不僅帶來駕駛樂趣,也是時尚的代名詞,因此它們往往上市18個月后就閑置在銷售展廳里無人問津了。即便是經久不衰的馬自達MX-5 Miata跑車(今年已邁入第23個年頭),如今也已成為市場上的稀有品種,2011年的銷量僅為5,672輛。


    Starting on a dime

    ????The hearts of auto enthusiasts everywhere beat a little faster recently with the introduction of two new sports cars: the Subaru BRZ and Scion FR-S (above). The two autos are essentially identical because they were developed jointly by the two companies. The all-new, rear-drive chassis is from Subaru, as is the engine; Toyota did the design and extra bits for the motor. As they used to say in the old Doublemint chewing gum commercials: Double your pleasure, double your fun.

    ????The appearance of the two is notable: Affordable sports cars have been in short supply in recent years. The target market of young men isn't exactly flush with cash, insurance costs weigh heavily, and sports cars have a short shelf life. As much about fashion as they are about driving, they tend to wilt in showrooms after 18 months. Even the durable Mazda MX-5 Miata, starting its 23rd year on the market, has become a specialty item -- 2011 sales totaled 5,672 cars.

    ????Herewith, some reasons to lament the eclipse of the affordable sports car and to applaud its renaissance in 2012.




    ????This one is personal: Within hours after getting my first job, I agreed to lay out about a third of my take-home salary on a 1965 MG-B. Little did I know that repairs would soon lay claim to another third. The B came with roll-up windows but the canvas top still had to be assembled over a removable frame, which was no fun in a downpour. With a zero-to-60 mph time of more than 11 seconds, the B was no speed demon, but it handled sweetly and allowed me to make a connection -- however distantly -- to the great -- and soon to disappear -- British motoring marques.

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