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    SARAH STANKORB 2011-09-02







    ????2010年3月,比爾?蘇利文,巴里?雷斯尼克和拉爾夫?任德蘭德合起來投資3萬美元創立了Three2Oh公司。這三位個個都經驗豐富:蘇利文1988年起就一直從事冰淇淋分銷。雷斯尼克在向賓館推銷產品上擁有30年的經驗。而任德蘭德則從頂級烹飪機構美國烹飪研究院(CIA,Culinary Institute of America)畢業,擁有30年烹飪經驗,Three2Oh的食譜正是由他一手打造。

    ????Three2Oh現在主攻本地慶典活動市場,為高檔賓館和婚禮提供服務。公司推出了傳統口味冰淇淋和閃凍(flash-frozen)雞尾酒冰淇淋,如咖啡酒(Kahlua)冰淇淋三明治和酒味香蕉圣代(banana splits,在剖開的條狀香蕉上澆冰淇淋、摜奶油、果仁、甜水果等制成——譯注),拜液態氮驚人的速凍能力所賜,這些美味能一直保持冰爽可口。



    ??? Company : Three2Oh

    ??? Headquarters: Orlando

    ??? Website: three2oh.com

    ????For Three2Oh, show-stopping liquid nitrogen treats mean a booming catering business with a sideline opportunity to help other entrepreneurs take the liquid N2 plunge.

    ????Three2Oh was founded in March 2010 by owners Bill Sullivan, Barry Resnick and Ralph Rendsland with a combined $30,000 investment. The trio brings a wealth of expertise: Sullivan has worked in ice cream distribution since 1988. Resnick has 30 years experience in product sales to hotels. Rendsland, a grad of top culinary institute CIA, has three decades of culinary expertise and develops Three2Oh's recipes.

    ????Tapping into the local event market for high-end hotels and wedding receptions, Three2Oh offers traditional flavors and flash-frozen cocktail ice creams like Kahlua ice cream sandwiches or liquor banana splits that stay chilled due to liquid nitrogen's awesome freezing power.

    ????Twenty percent of the company's 2010 revenues -- $200,000 -- came from sales of liquid nitrogen machines to chefs and caterers looking to steam-power their bottom lines.

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