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    Alex Taylor III 2011-07-04

    1958版道奇Custom Royal

    道奇Custom Royal

    ????Custom Royal加入道奇(Dodge)產品線較晚,道奇于1958年2月推出了Custom Royal的“皇家輕騎兵”(Regal Lancer)車型,這是一款兩門版的硬頂車,顏色特殊。它的特點是銘牌位于棱線前端,大燈上方的車眉十分厚實。尾燈和尾鰭的造型像火箭的推進器,只是層層相疊,以示與德索托的尾燈和尾鰭有所區別。

    ????為了與其動感的造型相配,道奇為Custom Royal配備了五種V8引擎供顧客選擇,這些發動機的油耗很高,每加侖汽油只能跑10英里。

    Dodge Custom Royal

    ????A late addition to the Dodge lineup, the Custom Royal's Regal Lancer model was added in February as a two-door hardtop with special colors. It featured nameplates at the front of the side spear trim and heavy eyebrow trim over the headlights. In the rear of the car were rocket-booster-shaped taillight fins, stacked to differentiate them from DeSoto's.

    ????To match this dramatic style, Dodge equipped the Custom Royal with five available V8 engine options that sucked gas at the rate of one gallon every ten miles.

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